Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Alamek!! Pejam celik pejam celik new year is just a few hours away!! Talking bout new year comes resolutions. Whats your resolutions for the year ahead?? This is the tough part. I mean, do we really have to have any resolutions?? Errr... Kalo takde tak bermakna hidup kite ni tak ader arah tujunyer. Betol tak?? I just dun believe in resolutions. I never followed through any one of my resolutions. They are only plans or promises you make to yourself with no intention to keep. So why bother. Thats how I feel about all the mumbo jumbo resolutions crap!!

So before we move on to a new year, let us just recap what happened in the past 2 months. I realized I havent been updating the blog for quite some time now. A lot of things have happened. November wasnt a great month for me. Truly a challenging month. The only good thing about November would be baby sayang's birthday. Got lots of pics to share but that will have to wait. Bought her a barbie cake. And the best part was, she thought it was a triangle cake. Little did she know it was a barbie cake. I just love the look on her face when she saw it was in fact her favourite princess. Yay!!!

November came, and November gone. December was another challenging month for all of us. Bulan di mana smua owang kelam kelibut buat persiapan untuk majlis perkahwinan Suhana dan Mohd Hazrin. Everybody was so stressed up except for me who was so stressed down. Hehehe... I got low blood pressure so that affected me for like nearly a week. Couldnt be more supportive when I was in a shitty condition. *sigh* Masa tu plak la smua owang lagi stress. The thing is, take things one at a time. We are not robots, we can only do so much the rest will have to wait. Buat setakat yang mampu la. Kenduri kendara selalunyer memang memenatkan, tapi yang paling tak tahan is the anger. Everybody seemed to unleash their anger at everybody. It was almost like a competition.

So anyway, I wouldnt wanna write too much on this, coz I got some interesting pictures to share instead. Before I sign off, heres wishing all of you who are reading this (which is just a few of you - hehehe) a happy new year. Hopefully we will have a fabulous year ahead of us. Yay!!! Of coz fabulous means lots of wonderful things and moments to bitch about this year!!!


the good and the bad...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Its Already November

This would be the first day the little kiddies are at home without mummy and babah - Hisama's little kiddies. Owh, Tok Umi is with them for this first week. Next week my turn. Then its Kak In's turn. Pastu will take them back to Ipoh. So selama Hisama and Kak Nor mengerjekan Haji bebudak ader kat sini. This is what me and mak paln to do...

  • Kelas agama for the 3 little ones
  • Art class for all if Adam wants to join them

Cant think of anything else. Just some activities to pass while Im at work. At least they wouldnt be watching TV and playing computers most the time. Must check out what else is available before I leave to KL.

Aper lagi bole buat??? What else is there for them to do in Ipoh. Must check out and ask around... Weekends can take them to Lost World. Woohoo...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gossip gossip jer..

I am truly disappointed - no action this morning. I thought with the Persidangan DUN taking place there will be something interesting to capture. Buat berat jer bawak camera. I guess finally people are more aware of the consequences of getting caught. Plus there are helicopters flying above as I am writing this. Smua orang takot kot.

The problem with our nation is, I think the top people here are too busy defending their position in the government that they just dun care about us, the rakyats. They are too busy promoting corruption - thats their main source of income. Orang kata "make hay while the sun shines". So as long as they are at the top positions this is what they'll promote. I got some non-Malays friends complaining to me saying that how unjust it is for the Malays to be given all the priorities and quotas. How little did they know of their history. How sad is that?? Kalo tak tau tak payah cakap la. And on top of that, its not about being Malays or non-Malays. Its about who you know in the government. If you are fortunate enough to have a place to play a game of corruption with them, then well done!!! You are one step ahead of the rest. Not all Malays are given the privilege. Money talks.

And I realized the party leaders talk a lot in hopes of taking one person or one political party down. But all talks and no action to improve the situation. They talk about sodomy, they gossip about a murder by one of the top member of the government, they feel guilty about looking at Beyonce's bellybutton and her raunchy dance moves that they thought the whole nation is like them. Owh kena ban Beyonce. Bole merosakkan aqidah rakyat. Little did they know not all are like them!! How stupid is that?? I think there are other bigger issues they should concentrate on. Look at where our economy is heading. We've had a 5 years time lapse during the reign of anak Badawi. Anak Razak will have to work harder. Don't just dwell on it, do something. Slow jer nak amek action.

Fully aware that the country is multiracial, with people from diff backgrounds and beliefs, they need to build a stronger relationship where the Muslims and other minorities religions could exist together. Unfortunately the Muslims are fighting among themselves for power. So theres no point talking about 1 Malaysia la.

But at least things are better under anak Razak. Lets just expect the worst and hope for the best...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Brain Freeze

Hmmm... I dunno what to write. Been a while since my last entry, but my wonderful brains refuses to come up with some coherent theme to talk about.

Ah, I know. Since we are all in the wedding mood, let me congratulate Ivanka Trump on her wedding!!! Shes married to Jared Kushner. Weird, there was not much publicity. Maybe because we dun even live in the same continent. But I must say her husband looks like a mullet. Im sowie, he does ok. Well, that doesnt matter, as long as she's happy!! Yay!!! I actually googled him, and Im glad to report that he doesnt look too bad. They should have put a better pic. Rupenyer he owns the New York Observer. And plus they both are into this real estate business. Something they have in common. For a trust fund baby, I think shes inspirational. To me la. And her jewelry collection... They are some really nice ones, but mak ai.. crazy expensive!!!

As rich as Donald is, I dun understand why he doesnt wanna do something with his hair. Weird isnt it?? Ivanka is lucky she doesnt have Daddy's hair. Owh and that little Barron Trump is such a little darling. Looks like he's got to thank Mummy Melania for his good looks.

The other thing is 2moro I have to be in the office early in the morning. By 7.30am no cars are allowed due to the persidangan kat SUK. I think I'll bring my camera this time. Mana la tau kot2 ader benda2 yang wajib ditangkap. Bole masuk dalam ni. Hmmm... Hopefully takde unsur2 nak terberak ke aper ker la. Takleh nak balik2 umah ni. Mau tak leh masuk balik kawasan opis. I would hate to berak in the office. The toilet is disgusting!! Yuck!!

Ok peps, gotta run... Later...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Saper Nak Bayar Ni???

Okay, Nana's wedding adventure is coming up soon. So finally I sent my bajus all for tailoring!!! Yipppeeee.. One for the 'akad nikah', one for the hotel and one for Teluk Intan. All together 3 pairs. Kaya Lee Lee. Shes my tailor. I like her coz she will give me feedbacks. Yay Lee Lee!!!

I know, I know, Im not the one getting married, but Im the bride's maid. Owang gaji pengantin pun mesti ah pakai cun2 sket. Bru betol!!! Bling2 here, bling2 there. But not too goddie la. If the truth must be revealed I must say Im kinda excited to see how the end result will be like. With the lace, and the beading works, Im sure its gonna cost me a bomb!!! But the thing is, I often wonder if I could pull it off. Now, the question is, where can I get the money?? Shall we plan a heist?? To pull that off I need an army of minions... Maybe the little kiddies could be my little minions. Hwahahaha... Patutnyer amek gegambor kengkain tu kan... Bleh letak dalam ni...

Bajus aside, I need to look for shoes. Hmm... I wouldnt wanna stand next to Nana looking like a dwarf. Dang!! Ni yang payah ni.. I just dun understand how you walk with 4 inches heels. Even wearing something less than that, after a couple of hours, I swear I could hear my feet begging me to take it off. Good news is, I already bought a pair of pinkish shoe for the hotel reception. Macam ader unsur2 cun!!! Do we need to get red heels as well for the 'akad nikah'?? Yang kat Teluk Intan nak pakai colour aper?? Bajuku berwarna puteh, disulami beads biru. Apakah warna kasut yang sesuai untuk itu?? Hmmm....

Any thoughts, any one???

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I honestly do not understand why people always misconstrue whatever I say. The end result is they tend to make up their own assumptions. Sometimes all I need is someone to just be there and listen. How hard could that be?? It doesnt take a genius to do that. I do not need any advise nor do I need someone to give me one long lecture. If I need any of that, I could always ask. Tak payah nak susah2. Sometimes, I just need to express whats inside of me, certain things I just cant keep on bottling up inside. At one point I'll burst. That would be even worst. But oh no.... They need to say something back, like as if I am the one asking for this stupid shit. I can honestly say that sometimes it bleeds my ears just to listen to them. Can you please shut up and listen for once?? Something so small and irrelevant could even be a big deal just because they misunderstood me.

What would I do???
  • Keep quiet...
Ever heard of silence is golden?? I guess thats so true. Certain things are better left unspoken. What you dunno doesnt hurt you. So no need to share. If you tell pun, it will stir things up and you'll end up arguing about something so stupid. Buat sakit hati jer.
  • "Ntah la" and "I dunno" should be your favourite phrases to use
One thing I realized, these two phrases will stop people from goin further with the conversation. If you're too tired of keeping quiet and be the victim of nagging, these two phrases are the alternatives. Most of the time it will end the conversation with nobody cursing each other, banging doors or throwing things around. One thing I can tell, the other person might be frustrated or annoyed at you coz everything is "ntah" and "I dunno" for you. But who cares!!!

From now on, maybe I should just keep things to myself. No need to share with anyone. Its not like they care. Everyone is too selfish of themselves. I am stupid enough thinking sharing could lessen the burden. Many people think life is a bed of roses for me. Everything comes easy. I dunno they just dun see or they pretend all is alright. The power of denial I guess. When they want something they come to me, when I need something from them, macam2 I have to go through. Most of the time tak dapat pun.

Malas mau cakap banyak2. Ntah2 they misinterpret this...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Raya Part 4

Hwahahaha... Whats so funny Arinah?? Lalat masuk molot ker?? Smua tak tengok camera...

I think this one not so bad. Smua tengok camera tak Anas muka herot la plak...

The whole family. Sabar and family jer takde.

Big Na and lil Na... Lil Na was forced to kiss big Na... Hehehe...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Raya Part 3

More pictures to share... This is of us (me and nana) with Hisama's girls... I think this was taken during the 2nd day of Raya. Ops... Alisha, where are you... Owh... there you are...

Posing sana, posing sini, datang la seorang hero yang bernama Anas. He wasnt in a good mood in which I couldnt be too sure of the season. Could it because we were snapping pics without him?? Hmmm... Anyway, he stayed with us on the stairs... This is the best result...

There are a lot more pics to share, but Im just too lazy to upload the pics...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Raya Part 2

This is my favourite boy!!! In this particular pic, I think he looks like a groom. Macam tengah tunggu Tok Kadi. Hehehe... So handsome. I wonder where he got his good looks from.. From his Acuks I think. Relax Hisama, tak perlu tarik2 rambut smua okay... Control, dun turn into the Hulk.

They always ask me, why Anas?? Its hard to explain, but this boy is very manja. At least to me. Sure he is a little naughty at times, but thats normal - he's just being a kid. Kalo kaco2 Shina tu, kekadang Shina start dulu. Sowie Acuk Na, but its true. I saw with my own eyes. Kat KFC okay..

Of coz he doesnt listen a word from me. Not even my words of wisdom. He doesnt even realize when I scold him thinking its just me and my funny way of expressing myself. But he's got a way with me. Pandai pujuk!!! He is somewhat funny, independent, smart. Have a conversation with him, the things he says will make you laugh. He makes me happy.

Bcoz he is a big boy, he is somewhat shy of his body. Some people (better not mention names) like to tease him because of that. Rasa macam nak tampo2 jer saper2 yang cakap camtu. Those people all jealous of him. If you ask me, I would say his size what makes him so much more lovable. Best untuk dipeluk2. Geram!!!

I dont think any words could do justice to how much he is loved. You just have to get to know him to understand what Im talking about. Its amazing how easy it is to love him. Unless you are heartless, you wouldnt understand a word Im saying!!! I honestly think everyone should have their own little Anas at home coz he truly is a wonderful kid to have around - he will change your life for a better one.

Raya Part 1

Finally I am able to share with all some Raya pics. Since Im lazy to upload all, this is as good as it gets... Sowie for the delay...

This is the morning of Hari Raya... Kak In busy doll_ing herself... Da lawa da tuh Kak In...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jom kite mengata si lembik...

I never thought I would say this out loud, but Im so bloody glad Calude is back. If its up to me, I would honestly say goodbye to Si Lembik and never look back!!! Nowadays, I cant even look at her face!! She annoys me to the max!!!

Masa Cik Tim kat KL last weekend, she actually offered to cook for Babah. Ish... Biar benor... Silap haribulan she cooks herself... Da la bila pegang tong sampah tak rheti nak cuci tangan... Eewww... Geli!!! Sangat tak terurus!! And I wonder who broke the microwave.. Could it be Chief Maid or Si Lembik. Chief Maid da biasa pakai microwave, umah punyer pon dia da biasa. Could it be Si Lembik who destroyed Timah's microwave?? Ia maseh menjadik satu misteri...

Her favourite phrase is "saya tak pandai" (with that disturbing soft voice) Aper yang dia pandai.. Maen cucuk2 remote kat molot pandai la... Baek stop skarang sebelom meletop!!!

Babai smua...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Cuti Cuti Cuti

Ni da nak raya ni tengah sebok sket carik maid nak tolong kat dapur. Si Ning tu bukan nyer aper, tapi minah tu macam ader unsur2 blur. Keje dia basuh pinggan, iron baju, basuh pinggan, iron baju, basuh pinggan, iron baju! Sakit jiwa betol dibuatnyer!!! Itu jer ler.

So cadangnyer nak amek la maid yg ader amek ari tu masa morei kat umah. Nama dia Ekor. Ok, I dunno how to spell her name, tapi punyi nyer macam tu ah. Ekor ker, Ako ker, samer jer la. Pompuan ni plak memang scary. Ari tu (the day before the morei), we went out for buka pose. Babah plak buka kat umah kawan. Kat umah tinggal ah 2 maid. Bole depa gado. Ekor kata, she was sleeping on the kitchen floor when Ning came to wake her up. Instead of waking her the proper way, si Ning tu pi amek remote tv cucuk kat Ekor. Cucuk, punyer cucuk, termasuk la kat molot si Ekor!!! Aper lagi, World War 3 ah!!! Giler!!! Si Ekor tu da la aggressive, dia pukol si Ning tu. Nasib masa tu Babah da balik umah. Kebetulan Babah tak lama kat umah kawan tu. So takde saper2 pon mati kena tikam. Si Ekor cakap kat Babah "saya mahu bunuh dia!" Hah!! Tu dia Ning, nasib ko la. Eeeeeeeee... Takot!!!

So raya ni, harap2 nyer ok ok jer. Kalo si Ekor tu yang tolong smua jgn kasi dia angry. Bahaya!!!

Moral of the story: Claude cepat ler balik!!!!

Selamat Hari Raya smua... Minta ampun mintak maaf. Da mintak2 ni, mintak duet raya skali!!! Yeehhhaaaaaaaaa!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Letter To Kanye Ass...

Kanye Ass,

Drama, drama, drama!! Your life will not be complete without dramas. You are definitely a class ass!!! Going up on stage stealing people's spotlight and interrupting the winner when she was giving her acceptance speech was rude. What was wrong with your tiny brains?? You were simply disrespectful!! The award was for Best Female Video. You were not even nominated for the category, unless if you see yourself as a female!!! It was not your time to shine. It was like you hit your empty head somewhere and *poof* you became an ass!!

You may think its cool to go on stage and embarrass your fellow artist, but let me tell you... it aint cool!! Ass!!! You may think its cool to go up the stage telling people how Beyonce should have won, ignoring Taylor, but I can tell you Beyonce herself was ashamed of your action. Clearly B was shocked with what you did. Hey, the votes came in and the award went to Taylor. Like it or not, deal with it!! I never liked you or your songs before but I am fascinated by how much of an ass you are. Arent you embarrass with what you've done?? You are all bitter because Taylor sells more records than you. She is way bigger than you. She makes more money than you and most of all, shes definitely more talented than you.

It saddens me with your shocking outburst. But whats even worst was your target was a teenage girl. You were attacking a lil girl for winning her first moonman?? Come on!!! Dont be such an ass. Dont you have better things to do than to bully a 19 year old girl?? Let the girl have her moment. Grow up and be a man!!! But the biggest winner of the night would be Beyonce for being a class act. Thanks to Beyonce, Taylor finally gave her acceptance speech. To B, theres a reason why you are the hero of so many girls out there... Owh, apart from your disturbing booty shaking.... Yay!!!

Bodo la ko ni Kanye.... Tampo kang!!!

You deserved your moonman Taylor......

You are indeed very thoughtful and gracious, B.......

False Alarm

Scary nyer tadi... Nape la pi amek cili pedeh tu bebanyak. Pastu sakit perut tak leh nak gerak2... Mengeram kesakitan, merepek yg bukan2. Ish... Smua da panik tak tau nak watper. Nak papah memang tak larat ah. Ajak pi klinik takmo. So we called the ambulance... Nasib ambulance tak datang lagi owang tu pun da ok. Leganyer. So we called back ambulance and cancelled. Of coz, we had to apologize kan. Tapi ambulance pon bongok!! Ader ker pi tanyer sakit aper, bole bangun ker idak, smua soalan bodo. Kalo bole smua tu idak ler nak panggil ambulance. Ish... What an ass!!!

So moral of the story, jangan amek makanan yg pedas... Menyusahkan badan jer...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Letter to Kak In

Dear Kak In,
  • 2day you are officially one year sexier!! (Phewittt... I sure hope Hisama's eyeballs are still in their sockets when he sees the word sexier. Hehe... )
  • 2day you are officially one year wiser!!
  • 2day you are officially a big gurl!! (Tahniah!!!)
  • 2day you can officially start going for all the 18SX, 18SG, 18PA, 18PL movies (Hehe...)
  • 2day you will officially receive something from me (Go look for Acuk Na)
By the time you read this, ur birthday pon da basi. Hehe... Just to wish you again, Happy Birthday Kak In.... Im not gonna say much coz you're a big gurl now and I know you can take care of yourself. Stay like Taylor Swift and know that me and Acuk Na will always be here for you...

Ciao chipempom...

Jom kite tengok saper terer wat reverse parking nak?? Ahaks...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birthday Wish To Cik Timah

My mummy is so delicious!!! If I could eat her, I would. Too bad its the fasting month. Hehe... Blum pape da start merepek. It has been how many donkey weeks since the last time I posted an entry. So my first entry after weeks of hibernating would be a birthday wish to my dearest mummy, Puan Hajjah Fatimah Haron @ Haroun. Hah!! Penuh lagi tu..

I guess usually people would expect you to say nice things to the birthday girl. Im not gonna do that coz everyone knows what a wonderful and amazing mummy you are. Phewittt... Owh, and Im not gonna go all mushy2 coz I wouldnt want anyone to puke.

So heres a poem for you...

Cik Timah my dear mummy
You are so sweet
Cik Timah you're also a grandmummy
You make our lives complete

Cik Timah you gave us love
You run dry our tears
Never gave up on us
All through out the years

If anyone were to ask
Who Cik Timah is
I'll gladly content you're...
The greatest mummy in the whole wide world!!

Yay!!! To your grandchildren you are G.G.M = Greatest Grandmummy Ever but to me you are
G.M.E = Greatest Mummy Ever...

Woohooo... Pasni bleh ah dapat duet raya lebih sket... Hehehe...

Happy Birthday Mak, I know God must have loved me more coz He gave me you!!!

Wishing you:
  • long life,
  • good health,
  • prosperity (macam prosperity burger plak)
  • happiness always...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Selamat Berpuasa!!

Sok da start pose. Bile pose nanti, cuba ah sedaya upaya untuk tidak bermain dengan segala lobang yg ader pada diri anda. Hehehe... Macam baby Mama Donna dokong ni, ish ish ish... Gold digger rupanyer. Try digging harder... I have decided theres no time to ganti pose yg tinggal lagi 3 ari jer tu. Iye ker 3 ari jer ni?? If we just ignore the previous years, the answer is yes!! Lets not talk about the past. Its the future that concerns me. Hehe.. Macam hampeh jer..

So sempena bulan Ramadhan yang sememangnyer penuh dengan kelebihan, sila la amik kesempatan ini untuk beribadat!! Chewah... Now Im talking. Ader unsur2 Ustazah dak?? Ingat lagi disuatu ketika semasa masih di Uniten. Hidung ni plak wat hal, ayor idung meleleh2 tak henti2. Mula2 ingatkan kalo main jilat2 ok la kot. Eeeeee... Yeah, I know I know. I didnt do it pon!! Aper lagi, amik la actifed ubat selsema yang sesangat la mengantok! Ari tu plak ader kelas ngan Ustazah Endon (I think thats her name - tak ingat ah) Kite ni yang gatal dodok kat depan tu terhantuk2 kepala tak tahan mata nak lelap sesangat. Untazah sudah nampak. Eh, unta plak, cian ustazah, sejak bila plak jadik unta ye!!! Ops... Ustazah udah nampak. Ader plak rotan kat tangan tu. Tiba2 jer Ustazah Endon sudah rotan meja yang kite duduk tu. Hah! Aper lagi, terbeliak segala bijik!!! Terkezut betoi!!! Pastu terus tak ngantok!!! Hmm.. Ni da lari dari citer bulan Ramadhan ni.

Diharapkan bulan Ramadhan tahun ni, rajin2 la sembahyang Tarawih. Tu la, sebenornyer, diharapkan Tok Imam kat mesjid tu laju ah skit. Kekadang tu ngantok nak tunggu Tok Imam, susah skit nak concentrate dok teringat kat tv la, makanan la, tido la. Lambat bebenor la plak. Tapi takpe.

Kepada smua umat Islam, marilah kite sesama menyambut kedatangan bulan yang penuh berkat ini...

Selamat berpuasa...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kenapa ni???

Skarang ni slalu sangat la smua orang asyik not in a good mood. Better not mention who they are. But sometimes it saddens me. Most times than not, when A says something, B gets upset. Without realizing, it somewhat affects the others. Lets not talk about talking it through. It will make things even worst. I hate it when B gets upsets and very stressful. Smua benda tak jadik, sikit2 marah, and Im tired of all these. Once or twice I've wished I was elsewhere so I wouldnt have to deal with all these. And now that C has gone back home, everything is a rush. And everybody wants to do everything themselves. Malangnyer tak mampu la nak wat smua tu sendiri. Maklum la, we are just humans and not terminator machines. Susah la like that. We need to divide the things to be done. One person cannot afford to do everything. Satu lagi bila ader unsur2 tak sabar!!! Cuba bawak bertenang. Relax. Life is too short to be so stressful. Takde maknanyer!!! Ntah la... Malas mau cakap banyak2.. Im praying for the best!!!

Second New Moon Official Trailer

Kak In, this is the second official released trailer for New Moon. Sama macam yg French version. But this one is in English!!! Check out Jacob jumping/climbing from the tree into what I assumed as Bella's room!!! He moves like an animal!!! Oh my Jacob!!

The Twilight Saga: New Moon 'Meet Jacob Black' Preview in HD

Finally theres a glimpse of Jane, Victoria and even the wolf boys... Yippeeee... But Im sure those on Team Edward wouldnt be too happy with this trailer... Not even a glimpse of the Cullens. Not even little Alice!!! Hmmm...

Friday, August 14, 2009


Another Hasbro movie but unlike Transformers, I absolutely enjoyed myself watching that it last night!! Haha.. The reviewers weren't friendly with the movie. But to me it was absolutely entertaining! Action packed and fast! I know nothing about the comic (was it based on a comic?) and I recognized non of the characters. But for me it was like watching a game being played on the big screen. Betoi!!

What was the movie about?? Errr... Super hunk hero, super hot villain?? I sound shallow. Okay, its something about arms dealer and the G.I Joe team??? Who cares.

The Good
  • Super hot Channing Tatum (Hellllll-OOOO Duke! You make my knees go jellllll-ooooo!! ) Ader tisu dak?? Ayor lior meleleh ni...
  • Super loaded with action scenes
  • Super bad villain Sienna Miller aka The Baroness (she was awesome by the way!!)
  • Super cool gadgets

The Bad
  • Towards the end it was somewhat dumb!! Tetiba The Baroness became the damsel in distress.
  • We need a better Rex/The Doctor... Sowie Joseph Gordon-Levitt
And I remember Rachel Nichols from Alias. Hated her in the series, what a weakling!!! She redeemed herself in this movie by playing chick kick ass Scarlett.

Finally what can I say about Marlon Wayans. Laugh baby, laugh!!! All in all, I loved the movie! Yay!!!!

Tengok, jangan tak tengok!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Selamat Pengatin Baru Ima & Mazli

I think I was about 5 years old when her mother got married. When I turned 6, she decided to pop out of her mother's belly. And now, after 24 years, I attended HER wedding. Isn't it bizarre, I was at both mother and daughter's wedding day!!! Yippeee... Who is this Im talking about about?? Its none other than Isma. Majlis akad nikah on the 7th August 09 and reception dinner was on the 8th August 09. Eh.. gambo tak clear plak!! Macam hampeh jer... Carik gambo lain ah..

Ni nak citer skit ni, masa zaman dahulu kala, masa tu isma kechik lagi, slalu kena buli. Cian isma. Tapi isma ni suka ngadu kat babah. Kena usik skit isma mengaum pastu tu khang buli mesti kena marah. Time mengaji tu yang paling best. Cian makcik ngaji tu kena tunggu. Ader budak tu buat2 tido plak eh?? Shared some pretty interesting memories with Isma. Those were the days.

Ni malam akad nikah. Acuk Na jadik bibik Ima for the night. And also malam reception the next day.

Ima: Bik, tolong betolkan make-up ni?? Ayor mata rasa mcm nak terkuar...

Bik Na: Iya, baik buk!!

Camtu ah lebih kurang.

Of coz, lastly mesti ader gegambo bersama sedara mara yang over ni...

The end....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Sayang Tak Gosok Gigi

Baby sayang left her Barbie tooth brush and kodomo in my toilet. What does it mean?? Hmm... I wonder if the girl actually brushes her teeth or not?? Atau main gurgle ngan ayor garam jer??? Eewww... Kalo main gurgle gurgle, kumuh kumuh, ni mesti blajar dari Hisama... Yek!!!

Camner nak jadik princess kalo gigi tak gosok ni?? Nanti princess bukak molot jer prince da lari. How now???

"You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
Its a love story baby just say yes"

Better get yourself a new tooth brush Shina, nanti Romeo will not be throwing pebbles at your windows.. A song for baby Shina... please sing to Taylor Swift's Love Story... You know which part Im talking about kan...

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever brushing your teeth
My faith in you fading
When I saw your tooth brush on toilet sink, I said

Romeo save Shina from gigi rongak
I keep waiting shes not coming for her brush
Please get a new one, I dont know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled a brush for Shina

And said, Shina please brush gigi
You'll never have gigi rongak
I love you so please gosok gigi
I talked to your dad, go picked out a tooth brush
Its a love story baby just say yes...

Oh oh
Oh oh
Cause you were young, you left your tooth brush....


Finally, Shina got a new tooth brush from Romeo... Well, I hope someone realized it and got her a new one...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

Got it Kak In... For you..

Fun video huh??

Friday, July 31, 2009

Bryce the new Victoria??

Rachelle, you're fired!!!

Owh, noooooooooo!!!!

Bryce, you're hired!!!

Apparently Rachelle was being replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard due to conflict in schedule. Rachelle is saying something else, Summit is saying something else. One of them is lying!!! Im not thrilled with the change, Rachelle is Victoria. But I cant deny Bryce is something else. The girl has got talent. Maybe she'll bring something different to Eclipse!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby sayang nak mandi...

  1. Shina - my little niece
  2. Acuk D - me
Shina (giving me that cute face of hers): Acuk boleh mandikan Shina??

Acuk D (surprised at such a request): Shina nak Acuk mandikan Shina?? Okay!!

I was surprised becoz Shina never wanted me to "mandikan" her. She's so much fun to bully. Not to mandikan. So thats how I usually spend time with her. She's very much "manja" and "mengada" with Nana doing her penguin dance.

So Acuk pun mandikan la baby sayang!!! Okay...
  • Towel? ...... Checked!
  • Little pajamas? ...... Checked!
  • Baby lotion? ....... Checked!
  • Nappy rash? ....... Checked!
  • Pampers? ....... Checked!
Baby sayang da mandi its time to wear pampers... Acuk D was trying so hard to even up the sides of the pampers. Okay, before we go on any further, let me stress here that this was not the first time Im handling kiddies with pampers. I wasnt that clueless la.. But how many times so far and I could count with one hand la. Hehehe... Shina was not aware of what Acuk D was trying her best to achieve thinking that this amateur aunt of hers didn't know how to put pampers on. I think maybe deep down she thought I would put the pampers on my head. And this was what baby sayang said to me...

Shina (imagine her innocent face smiling): Macam ni Acuk, Shina ajar Acuk... (pointing the sticky part of the pampers) Yang ni kat sini...

She gave me a smile with little twinkles in the eyes. The girl was laughing at me...

Ai yoi yoi... I was too stunned actually I couldn't remember she used the word "ajar" or "tunjuk". It was more like ajar la wei??? Shes teaching me how to use pampers... No Shina, you dun have to ajar Acuk. Acuk tau.... This little angel speaks like an old lady!!! Seriously...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Moon Clips

Kak In, these two clips are for you... It may not be as clear as I hope, but it'll do...

This is the second clip with Alice... How strongly opposed are you to grand theft auto???...

Can you hear all the girls screaming?? This was recorded at the Comic Con Convention in San Diego. I swear if I were there, I would have clawed all the other girls. And you'll be hearing me instead!!! Hahah..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Time After Time

Wow!! This is probably the best version of "Time After Time" Great chemistry between Lauper and McLachlan!!!

Cindy, nape kena duduk terkangkang tu?? Nak main benda tu kena kangkang ker??? Ish... Tak manis la...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Is UPSR Still Relevant??

Mula2 depa nak tukar plak Maths and Science back to Malay. And now they are debating about UPSR plak. Hmm... Mangsanyer bebudak skolah.. Aper relevan nyer nak tukar2 ni?? Bodo betol depa ni... Very fickle minded. What?? They think just because they changed the cabinet, they need to change everything??

I honestly think UPSR is still relevant. Why?? Because before they actually move on to secondary school, we need to assess them based on the past 6 years in primary school. This would be an important exam to determine the students as to where they stand academically before they enter the secondary life. And I think they should assess these kids based on these subjects... Nothing more, nothing less. Tak payah nak eksyen2 amik banyak2 subject...

  • BM
  • BI
  • Maths
  • Science
Maybe they could incorporate History to it. I dunno. Is History being taught in primary schools?? It has been how many donkey years I left school. I lost touch somehow. Hmm... Those children who did badly for their UPSR will have to be detained. Thats the only way. With that in mind, Im sure the children will do their best and theres no questions about buta huruf atau tidak. The problem with the current system is, regardless of your UPSR results, you will definitely move on to secondary school. BIG MISTAKE!!! Thats why bebudak amik sambil lewa jer. Coz they know at the end of the day, they could still go for secondary school.

Ader masalah bebudak yg sampai 12 tahun pun tak rheti nak baca. I think in this case, lower primary plays as important role. This would be the time when the teachers with the help of the parents have to ensure that the children's basic in all subjects are very well established. Bila asas tu at least above average, it would be easier for both children and teachers. And they could still continue with teaching Maths and Science in English. Bukan nyer tukar the whole system. You need to go back to the core problem. It is not necessary to change everything. What an ass!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lets Play Paintball!!!!!!!!!

Its paintball weekend for me!! I had a blast playing paintball with a group of people I don't really know.

My team: Me, Wanda, Stephenie, Irwin and Mr. Wong...

It was my first time getting acquainted with paintball.. And I must say it was pretty interesting. Thank God I did not die the first few minutes when the game started. I was pretty worried someone would blow my head off after less than five minutes in the game!!

The first game was pretty scary and intense coz I saw all my team mates getting shot at. And I had no bloody idea what I was doing. Hehe... Everybody was looking but I managed to make my team proud!! Yay!!! We won the first game. I got shot on my fingers for the second game. Nasib sikit jer. I cannot imagine the pain. Some people say its painful. Some say its nothing but you'll get bruises. But the time we played the third game I was already tired. My arms were tired. We were goin against Fay's team! Dang!! Shes got some pretty good team members on her side!!

So what did I do?? I hid behind the abandoned building until everybody died. It was between me and another guy from the other team. He ran to the finishing line, he saw me, I saw him, he shot at me but he missed, and i shot him. I shot him again and again. And we won!! Yippee... Then I learnt he was running out of palletes/ammo. That was why i survived!! Talk about beginner's luck. He would have shot at me coz I was too weak to even lit up my marker/gun. Berat giler!!! Dang!!

I pulled out after the third game. Nobody could be this lucky after the third round. Better leave while I was basking in glory!!! Macam hampeh..

Kak In, maybe we could try this some other time...