Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Letter to Kak In

Dear Kak In,
  • 2day you are officially one year sexier!! (Phewittt... I sure hope Hisama's eyeballs are still in their sockets when he sees the word sexier. Hehe... )
  • 2day you are officially one year wiser!!
  • 2day you are officially a big gurl!! (Tahniah!!!)
  • 2day you can officially start going for all the 18SX, 18SG, 18PA, 18PL movies (Hehe...)
  • 2day you will officially receive something from me (Go look for Acuk Na)
By the time you read this, ur birthday pon da basi. Hehe... Just to wish you again, Happy Birthday Kak In.... Im not gonna say much coz you're a big gurl now and I know you can take care of yourself. Stay like Taylor Swift and know that me and Acuk Na will always be here for you...

Ciao chipempom...

Jom kite tengok saper terer wat reverse parking nak?? Ahaks...


Mr Banna said...

Ala wolfy ... I oredi left Kim Bo my birthday wishes kat your blog (on GGM's birthday), then baru sedar you have written another blog on my dearie Kim Bo's birthday. My Kim Bo knows that I will not write much coz my wifey (the President of the WFC) has written banyak dah in Kim Bo's birthday card ... also my eyes will not pop out from it's sockets. Pasal Credit Card Supp tu, sekarang boleh le President of the WFC bagi to Kim Bo yek ...

wolfgirl said...

Hehe... You can always wish her again wat... WFC tu aper?? Check out the pic... You can click on it and save pastu bleh cuci... Cantek I amek gambo tu... You want to gimme credit card??? Yippeeee... (doin the chicken dance now...) :))

Mr Banna said...

President of WFC le yang nak bagi Kim Bo Credit Card. Nak restrict usage tapi tak reti nak access the account online! LOL!

WFC = Walrus Fan Club la!!! Whose the Walrus?!? LOL!!!

~arinah@albakri~ said...

tq tq tq~
btw, its true, by d tyme inah baca, my bday pun dh basi..
no wonder la babah excited btol suruh inah baca ur blog..
nywae, thnx 4 d bday pwesie..
love it!
n d pic, sgt la comelllll!!!!!!!
me n my vain sista!
nk tgk cam gak bila nak kish..

p/s : inah tetap QUEEN OF REVERSE PARKING!!!!!!!!!

~arinah@albakri~ said...

btw, where's my credit card?
tak dapat lagik pun..
fyi, walrus is..
the pro chancellor of UTP..
who could it be?
acuk na pun dlm WFC kan?
katanya, dia hencem..

Mr Banna said...

Credit Card?!? Tanya le Puan President WFC! Walrus ... hahaha! Betul betul betul (to be spoken ala Upin/Ipin) ...

wolfgirl said...

U all ni obsess ngan Walrus eh?? Ahaks...

suhana said...

Dear Kak In,
Since acuk di has said it all, i will keep short and sweet. Happy birthday Kak In.Kwang kwang kwang Love you!