Monday, September 14, 2009

My Letter To Kanye Ass...

Kanye Ass,

Drama, drama, drama!! Your life will not be complete without dramas. You are definitely a class ass!!! Going up on stage stealing people's spotlight and interrupting the winner when she was giving her acceptance speech was rude. What was wrong with your tiny brains?? You were simply disrespectful!! The award was for Best Female Video. You were not even nominated for the category, unless if you see yourself as a female!!! It was not your time to shine. It was like you hit your empty head somewhere and *poof* you became an ass!!

You may think its cool to go on stage and embarrass your fellow artist, but let me tell you... it aint cool!! Ass!!! You may think its cool to go up the stage telling people how Beyonce should have won, ignoring Taylor, but I can tell you Beyonce herself was ashamed of your action. Clearly B was shocked with what you did. Hey, the votes came in and the award went to Taylor. Like it or not, deal with it!! I never liked you or your songs before but I am fascinated by how much of an ass you are. Arent you embarrass with what you've done?? You are all bitter because Taylor sells more records than you. She is way bigger than you. She makes more money than you and most of all, shes definitely more talented than you.

It saddens me with your shocking outburst. But whats even worst was your target was a teenage girl. You were attacking a lil girl for winning her first moonman?? Come on!!! Dont be such an ass. Dont you have better things to do than to bully a 19 year old girl?? Let the girl have her moment. Grow up and be a man!!! But the biggest winner of the night would be Beyonce for being a class act. Thanks to Beyonce, Taylor finally gave her acceptance speech. To B, theres a reason why you are the hero of so many girls out there... Owh, apart from your disturbing booty shaking.... Yay!!!

Bodo la ko ni Kanye.... Tampo kang!!!

You deserved your moonman Taylor......

You are indeed very thoughtful and gracious, B.......


Mr Banna said...

Ini ape cerite nye?

~arinah@albakri~ said...

ha, kalau nk taw cerita, tgk la E! news..
mari kita ramai2 boikot KANYE ASS!!!
i hate him!!!!!
sooo immature of him 2 do that 2 taylor..
childish old man!!!!!!!!!!
padan la dgn lagu dia, "HEARTLESS"..
u r heartless, kanye ass!!!!!!!!
n salute 2 beyonce!!!!!

wolfgirl said...

Begini citernyer... Taylor Swift menang Best Female Video for MTV Video Awards. Beyonce, Pink, Lady Gaga and Kelly Clarkson (rasanyer) smua kalah. Masa tengah kasi acceptance speech Kanye ni rampas microphone saying that the award should have been for Beyonce coz shes got one of the best videos of all time!!! Imagine how a 19 year old girl would feel??? This was her first win for MTV Video Awards. The girl was speechless. I read somewhere she cried ok. Jgn wat camtu. Tak sempat dia nak thank u saper2. She had to leave the stage pastu. And she had to perform live soon after that. Bodo la Kanye ni.