Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birthday Wish To Cik Timah

My mummy is so delicious!!! If I could eat her, I would. Too bad its the fasting month. Hehe... Blum pape da start merepek. It has been how many donkey weeks since the last time I posted an entry. So my first entry after weeks of hibernating would be a birthday wish to my dearest mummy, Puan Hajjah Fatimah Haron @ Haroun. Hah!! Penuh lagi tu..

I guess usually people would expect you to say nice things to the birthday girl. Im not gonna do that coz everyone knows what a wonderful and amazing mummy you are. Phewittt... Owh, and Im not gonna go all mushy2 coz I wouldnt want anyone to puke.

So heres a poem for you...

Cik Timah my dear mummy
You are so sweet
Cik Timah you're also a grandmummy
You make our lives complete

Cik Timah you gave us love
You run dry our tears
Never gave up on us
All through out the years

If anyone were to ask
Who Cik Timah is
I'll gladly content you're...
The greatest mummy in the whole wide world!!

Yay!!! To your grandchildren you are G.G.M = Greatest Grandmummy Ever but to me you are
G.M.E = Greatest Mummy Ever...

Woohooo... Pasni bleh ah dapat duet raya lebih sket... Hehehe...

Happy Birthday Mak, I know God must have loved me more coz He gave me you!!!

Wishing you:
  • long life,
  • good health,
  • prosperity (macam prosperity burger plak)
  • happiness always...


Mr Banna said...

Hey Wolfy ... send my bday wishes to Mommy, altho I already personally wished her earlier. Bukan ke GGM tu 'Gorgeous Grand Ma' ... a term coined by my Piney Boy? Why you never talk much about the Piney Boy here ... kata your BF?!? Anyway, tak bawak the GGM for Iftar outside ke? Ours at our humble home (which ramai tak hingin nak lepak2 when you lot are in KL) was delicious, courtesy of that Sawadikap woman ... Nasi Lemak, Tiger Prawns, Lamb Chops ... burp!!!

Mr Banna said...

Btw, the Iftar at our home was last night. Your womb mate, her whitey boy (with goatie) and my darling Kim Bo were also present ...

wolfgirl said...

Oh yeah, thats right... Bukan ke its supposed to be greatest, but becoz he once described mak gorgeous tats why la jadik gorgeous... am i making sense here?? Anyway, Im waiting for the right story to share when it comes to Baby Anas. Hehe.. Mcm princess I never intended to write anything pon, tapi bila teringat abenda yg dia buat so I write la. Like the pampers incident and oso tut brush. Hehehe...

wolfgirl said...

You had lamby??? Owh... I love lamby!!! I want lamby, I want lamby, I want lamby...

Mr Banna said...

I want lamby, I want lamby ... amende ni?!? Kalau nak sangat suruh le GGM beli and goreng/bakar/panggang. Better still do it masa Raya coz me and my 2 older kids memang suka! Talking about my older kids ... if you are reading this Kim Bo; my sincere 18th Birthday wish to you. I see you Tuesday nite ya.

~arinah@albakri~ said...

thank u, bah..
inah dh jumpa bah dh pun..
im in my room now..
n babah tgh tidoq dlm bilik..
so, i guess, see u sahur nanti?
nywae, 2 wolfy,
hmmmmmm, duno wat 2 say..
saje drop by..
nk nyebok kat komens..

Mr Banna said...

Kim Bo - Yes, kita dah berjumpa kembali. Now Bah kat ofis commenting on Wolfy's blog with you probably sleeping (if the 3 tak kacau by watching and pasang kuat the Upin/Ipin DVD). Please remind Wolfy that we want Lamby for Raya!

~arinah@albakri~ said...

no, they want lamby..
n OCTTY!!!!!!!
btw, inah tak tidoq since bgun mndikan shina ok!

wolfgirl said...

Kak In, Im sonproud of you!!! You did not sleep since bangun mandikan princess!!!