Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jom kite mengata si lembik...

I never thought I would say this out loud, but Im so bloody glad Calude is back. If its up to me, I would honestly say goodbye to Si Lembik and never look back!!! Nowadays, I cant even look at her face!! She annoys me to the max!!!

Masa Cik Tim kat KL last weekend, she actually offered to cook for Babah. Ish... Biar benor... Silap haribulan she cooks herself... Da la bila pegang tong sampah tak rheti nak cuci tangan... Eewww... Geli!!! Sangat tak terurus!! And I wonder who broke the microwave.. Could it be Chief Maid or Si Lembik. Chief Maid da biasa pakai microwave, umah punyer pon dia da biasa. Could it be Si Lembik who destroyed Timah's microwave?? Ia maseh menjadik satu misteri...

Her favourite phrase is "saya tak pandai" (with that disturbing soft voice) Aper yang dia pandai.. Maen cucuk2 remote kat molot pandai la... Baek stop skarang sebelom meletop!!!

Babai smua...


arinah@albakri said...

jangan la kutuk weakling..
she's my lifesaver when it comes to ironing n washing my bajus=)..
yg tu dia pro n expert abis!
dlu keje kat laundrette kot?
claude bising skit if nk suro TOLONG basuhkan baju..
ape lagi nak mintak ironkan baju..

arinah@albakri said...

btw, me 1st!
NOT babah..