Thursday, October 1, 2009

Raya Part 2

This is my favourite boy!!! In this particular pic, I think he looks like a groom. Macam tengah tunggu Tok Kadi. Hehehe... So handsome. I wonder where he got his good looks from.. From his Acuks I think. Relax Hisama, tak perlu tarik2 rambut smua okay... Control, dun turn into the Hulk.

They always ask me, why Anas?? Its hard to explain, but this boy is very manja. At least to me. Sure he is a little naughty at times, but thats normal - he's just being a kid. Kalo kaco2 Shina tu, kekadang Shina start dulu. Sowie Acuk Na, but its true. I saw with my own eyes. Kat KFC okay..

Of coz he doesnt listen a word from me. Not even my words of wisdom. He doesnt even realize when I scold him thinking its just me and my funny way of expressing myself. But he's got a way with me. Pandai pujuk!!! He is somewhat funny, independent, smart. Have a conversation with him, the things he says will make you laugh. He makes me happy.

Bcoz he is a big boy, he is somewhat shy of his body. Some people (better not mention names) like to tease him because of that. Rasa macam nak tampo2 jer saper2 yang cakap camtu. Those people all jealous of him. If you ask me, I would say his size what makes him so much more lovable. Best untuk dipeluk2. Geram!!!

I dont think any words could do justice to how much he is loved. You just have to get to know him to understand what Im talking about. Its amazing how easy it is to love him. Unless you are heartless, you wouldnt understand a word Im saying!!! I honestly think everyone should have their own little Anas at home coz he truly is a wonderful kid to have around - he will change your life for a better one.

1 comment:

arinah@albakri said...

so, dis is d SPECIAL post dedicated 2 anas la eh?
ceh2, if anas baca, bangga SETAHUN dia!
lagik beso la dia..
sabo cuk, jgn mara, jgn jd hulk ok!
nywae, yes, mmg btol ape yg cuk ckp..
dia comeyyyyyy!
n sgt best utk dipeluk!
mcm bantal busuk acuk!
did i juz say it out loud?
i guess i did!