Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gossip gossip jer..

I am truly disappointed - no action this morning. I thought with the Persidangan DUN taking place there will be something interesting to capture. Buat berat jer bawak camera. I guess finally people are more aware of the consequences of getting caught. Plus there are helicopters flying above as I am writing this. Smua orang takot kot.

The problem with our nation is, I think the top people here are too busy defending their position in the government that they just dun care about us, the rakyats. They are too busy promoting corruption - thats their main source of income. Orang kata "make hay while the sun shines". So as long as they are at the top positions this is what they'll promote. I got some non-Malays friends complaining to me saying that how unjust it is for the Malays to be given all the priorities and quotas. How little did they know of their history. How sad is that?? Kalo tak tau tak payah cakap la. And on top of that, its not about being Malays or non-Malays. Its about who you know in the government. If you are fortunate enough to have a place to play a game of corruption with them, then well done!!! You are one step ahead of the rest. Not all Malays are given the privilege. Money talks.

And I realized the party leaders talk a lot in hopes of taking one person or one political party down. But all talks and no action to improve the situation. They talk about sodomy, they gossip about a murder by one of the top member of the government, they feel guilty about looking at Beyonce's bellybutton and her raunchy dance moves that they thought the whole nation is like them. Owh kena ban Beyonce. Bole merosakkan aqidah rakyat. Little did they know not all are like them!! How stupid is that?? I think there are other bigger issues they should concentrate on. Look at where our economy is heading. We've had a 5 years time lapse during the reign of anak Badawi. Anak Razak will have to work harder. Don't just dwell on it, do something. Slow jer nak amek action.

Fully aware that the country is multiracial, with people from diff backgrounds and beliefs, they need to build a stronger relationship where the Muslims and other minorities religions could exist together. Unfortunately the Muslims are fighting among themselves for power. So theres no point talking about 1 Malaysia la.

But at least things are better under anak Razak. Lets just expect the worst and hope for the best...

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