Monday, November 2, 2009

Its Already November

This would be the first day the little kiddies are at home without mummy and babah - Hisama's little kiddies. Owh, Tok Umi is with them for this first week. Next week my turn. Then its Kak In's turn. Pastu will take them back to Ipoh. So selama Hisama and Kak Nor mengerjekan Haji bebudak ader kat sini. This is what me and mak paln to do...

  • Kelas agama for the 3 little ones
  • Art class for all if Adam wants to join them

Cant think of anything else. Just some activities to pass while Im at work. At least they wouldnt be watching TV and playing computers most the time. Must check out what else is available before I leave to KL.

Aper lagi bole buat??? What else is there for them to do in Ipoh. Must check out and ask around... Weekends can take them to Lost World. Woohoo...

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