Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Alamek!! Pejam celik pejam celik new year is just a few hours away!! Talking bout new year comes resolutions. Whats your resolutions for the year ahead?? This is the tough part. I mean, do we really have to have any resolutions?? Errr... Kalo takde tak bermakna hidup kite ni tak ader arah tujunyer. Betol tak?? I just dun believe in resolutions. I never followed through any one of my resolutions. They are only plans or promises you make to yourself with no intention to keep. So why bother. Thats how I feel about all the mumbo jumbo resolutions crap!!

So before we move on to a new year, let us just recap what happened in the past 2 months. I realized I havent been updating the blog for quite some time now. A lot of things have happened. November wasnt a great month for me. Truly a challenging month. The only good thing about November would be baby sayang's birthday. Got lots of pics to share but that will have to wait. Bought her a barbie cake. And the best part was, she thought it was a triangle cake. Little did she know it was a barbie cake. I just love the look on her face when she saw it was in fact her favourite princess. Yay!!!

November came, and November gone. December was another challenging month for all of us. Bulan di mana smua owang kelam kelibut buat persiapan untuk majlis perkahwinan Suhana dan Mohd Hazrin. Everybody was so stressed up except for me who was so stressed down. Hehehe... I got low blood pressure so that affected me for like nearly a week. Couldnt be more supportive when I was in a shitty condition. *sigh* Masa tu plak la smua owang lagi stress. The thing is, take things one at a time. We are not robots, we can only do so much the rest will have to wait. Buat setakat yang mampu la. Kenduri kendara selalunyer memang memenatkan, tapi yang paling tak tahan is the anger. Everybody seemed to unleash their anger at everybody. It was almost like a competition.

So anyway, I wouldnt wanna write too much on this, coz I got some interesting pictures to share instead. Before I sign off, heres wishing all of you who are reading this (which is just a few of you - hehehe) a happy new year. Hopefully we will have a fabulous year ahead of us. Yay!!! Of coz fabulous means lots of wonderful things and moments to bitch about this year!!!


the good and the bad...


arinah_albakri said...

i guess babah tak baca lagi kot??
if not, mesti dia yang first sekali nak komen..
owh, lupa, babah tak boleh buat kerja lain yang bukan ofis work..
kan bah kan??
btw, lama sungguh i nak tunggu u belogg..
at last, ada jugak!!
thank god!!
bout d prep 4 wedding, i totally agree wif u!!!!!!!
soooooo, where's my cutie face yg WAJIB di-upload kan?
im waitinggggg....

Mr Banna said...

Woits! I read this many days ago. Just lazy to pen something down!

arinah_albakri said...

since when bah lazy nak komen??