Monday, January 4, 2010

To Suhana....

My short speech…

When we were fetuses in Mak Abu’s tummy, we used to play hide and seek. But when we were angry with each other, coz she being Suhana liked to eat all my food, we would practice our karate together. That’s why sometimes Mak Abu could feel us doing somersault She thought we were normal, just like any other babies kicking their mummies’ tummies. So when the time came, we were debating who should see the world first, me or her?? So I thought let her go first, if we were being attacked on the other side of the world, she would have to go through it first. Yes, I may be lacked of nutrition, but I was definitely thinking smart back then. I did what I had to do, I kicked her out of Mak Abu’s kepompom!! Hiiiiyahhhh!!!

When we were growing up, we had our ups and downs. One minute we love each other, the next minute we couldn’t wait to kill each other. So you could imagine how I feel when she got married on 24th December 2009. It was one of the happiest and saddest day of my entire existence. Its weird, how happiness and sadness could collide during a wedding. Couldn’t kill her anymore!! *sigh* I confessed, I choked whenever I tried to extend my congratulations to her. Lots of waterworks going around and I surrendered to it all - life goes on.

Now that she’s got her knight in shinning armour to protect her, to be by her side at all times, I thought she would like to know that I’ll always be around to bitch about her shitty moments with him (should that moment comes) or whatever. Hehehe… I would fly with her when things are down, putting a beautiful smile on her forlorn frown. No doubt it will take a little time to adjust to the changes, and more changes to come in the future. Within that time there’ll be sorrows and aches but it will soon be evened out by the laughter and happiness that we share. One thing Im sure, though things will change, no one could take away what we have with each other. It will live long coz the bond that we share lives with us for eternity.

Ps: Jangan risau, you are nothing like a walrus!!! :))



arinah_albakri said...

nasib baek tak shocking pink, if not sakit mata la org2 yg membaca..
btw, cantik gmbo kepala dlm hippo kat lost world 'hippo'..
sape fotografer nye?
ehem ehem=)..
owh, nanti i will be expecting kerepek sharmala n PANDAN kaya puff from u n opah ok?

ur lovely niece=)..

wolfgirl said...

owh... ok ok. I will get them for you!! hehehe... :))

nana said...

damn didsy, i almost cried in the office!!!! damn!!!!

if i havent said this to you, i just wanna say thank you for all the things that you have done for me - not only the whole wedding preparations but throughout our 30 years together! i truly appreciate every single thing that you have done for me! Thanks didsy!

i may be married but nothing can separate us!

i will always be there for you no matter what.. you just need to open up to me more often kay...

see you soon didsy

love ya

signed, sealed delivered,

Mr Banna said...

Hei dotter! U r supposed to setadi n not komen on this blog.

Btw, what's this walrus thingy? Nothing to do with the 'walrus' yg kat PTT1 kan?!?

arinah_albakri said...



suhani : tq, will be expecting those in 2 weeks=)

suhana : awwwww, shuweeettttzz lorrrzzzz~ ur welcome=).. hahahahahah..

hisham : bah, kenapa ejaan tu sangat? geli lah! please use proper english language. jangan jadi ok? hahahahaha..


wolfgirl said...

hehehe... smua emo kejap!!!

yeah hisama, please use proper english language!! dun be!!!

susu, i love you too!!!

kak in, i da dapat u punyer kerepet Shamala. Shall I eat for you?? hehe..

arinah_albakri said...

kerepet shamala yang opas kasi dah nak habis laaaa..

Mr Banna said...

Who is "opas"?!?

wolfgirl said...

cepatnyer... tapi memang best kan... nanti acuk carikkan kaya puff plak!!