Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bald is the new sexy!!!

OMG!!! I honestly cannot decide if it pains me to look at the picture or if its too horrifying for me!! Am I losing my hair?? Im balding la wei!! Is that the result of eating too much Maggie Mee?? I don't think so. I've got my hopes high that it was caused by the Mak Andam when he was doing my hair. I believe there are ways to cover the balding spots but because we were in a hurry, it wasnt covered properly. On top of all that, I've got very thin hair. Hmmm.. Still that doesn't change the fact that Im balding!! Dang!!!

The good news is, Im not the only one balding here. Isnt that so Nana?? Yes!! Also, Cik Tim is facing the same thing. I guess it runs in the family. So what shall we do with this balding spot??

  • Hair treatment (but that would cost me a bomb - it will be a few series of treatment)
  • Hair growth products (does it really work??)
  • Change the way you style you hair (still it does not change the fact that I am losing hair)
  • Change to hair loss shampoo (yeah, like they work)

Owh no!!! My brains refuses to function!! What to do? What do I do?? Maybe Arinah could come up with a series of suggestions?? Besides, I've seen her balding spot too!!! It runs in the family darling!!! :))


Mr Banna said...

You should have posted that gambor ... double chin, that nose ... ha ha ... and now you talk about your hair! LOL!

Btw, I got feedback from a very reliable source that 'our friend' is a total opposite in the office as compared to outside it ... hmm ...

Mr Banna said...

Oops ... I meant to type "You should have NOT posted ..." and not "You should have posted ...". Tertinggal the "NOT". Sorry ...

wolfgirl said...

hahahah... nasib ler. watever it is, this is a very shitty pic la. aiyoiyoi...

arinah_albakri said...

excuse me!!
u yang botak suddenly my name pun naik sekali?
btw, i tak botak ok?
atleast i have thick hair!! :)
n the so called "balding spot", its because i pakai tudung n my hair penyek ke 1 side..
ok laling ;)?

Mr Banna said...

Apa le si Wolfy ni kan Kg Dot ... dia yang botak, ni nak babit orang kan kan?!? Dah tahu gambar tu 'bertahi' (shitty?!?), post kan jugak ... apa le ...