Friday, January 29, 2010

Heartbreak Kid

What do you say to someone who just told you shes being dumped by her fiance?? How do you console her?? How do I run dry her tears?? Or would it be better to just listen and say nothing?? I mean, they were together for 6 long years. Suddenly, out of the blue he said "Its over". What went wrong?? Could it be the distance?? But if they could survive 5 long years of long distance relationship, why give up now?? And he didnt even have the balls to do it gentlemanly. He broke up with her through sms. What a jerk. Shes all heartbroken now and I dont even know what to say to her. After 6 years perhaps all the love is worth fighting for?? I dunno. I cant be asking if shes all right. Obviously shes not. But I did it anyway. I asked. She said shes ok. Tapi itu kata dia. After all the crying, it doesnt take a couple of hours for her to be ok. It'll take time, thats for sure. But the whole break up proves that God has got other plans for her. Maybe this is for the best.


Mr Banna said...

Siapa la pulak ni?!? Claude ke? surely not Ning ... ha ha ha!!!

Mr Banna le, siapa lagi! said...

By the way, kat Tawau pun ada broadband le! Eh, you favourite, si Mahmoud El-Fil tak makan seafood le ... koman (kalau bebudak Malay Kolek, diaorg sebut 'jawi') betoi. Tak kesian langsung menengoknya!