Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Most Desirable Women 2010 - do we really care?? I dun think so...

Errr... I havent been able to write anything lately. Nothing comes to mind. I just dunno what to write. Just the other day I had this long and weird conversation with one of Babah's friend. He was giving me some advice on how to choose a husband. Yikes!!! Should have just jump out of the window. Or maybe I should have push him out of the window. Yes, a stranger giving me advice on how to pick a husband!!! Im not sure if its weird or disturbing. Coz he gave me way too much information that I do not need. Nooooooo!!! Conclusion nyer dia kata, "A good man is someone who knows arah tujuan perjalanan hidupnyer. Tahu ke mana arah yang benar untuk membimbing isteri dan keluarga." Thats the gist of it la.

Anyway, I was just browsing tru the internet and on the Yahoo page ada la Top 10 Most Desirable Women of 2010. Out of curiosity, obviously I checked it out. Heres the thing, how do you actually pick who is desirable and who is not?? From what criteria?? Why do we even need the Most Desirable Women list?? Why not Most Desirable Men?? With the existence of the list, does it mean women are constantly being judged?? Are we seen as objects?? Beneath the glamorous exterior lies a mother, a wife, a daughter to someone. No doubt they will be flattered being called the most desirable but for what purpose?? Im sure the list was based on votes. These are the top 5 ladies voted by the male species:

At number 5 we've got the oh so boring Jessica Alba! Men seem to love her. I think shes zzzzzzzzzzzz.... Ops punyer la buhsan tertido!!!

Number 4 spot goes to the Victoria's Secret bombshell Alessandra Ambrosio. Not gonna say anything, no surprise here.

Wah, the English rose Kate Beckinsale at number 3. One of my favourite actresses.

Another one of the Victoria's Secret Angel, Marissa Miller at number 2. Hah, yang ni susah nak carik a decent picture of her. Everything protruding for this girl. Finally I managed to find a decent but not so flattering picture of Malibu Barbie. Yiippeeee..

And the number one place for The Most Desirable Woman of 2010 goes to......

Drum roll please.......

Ta da......

Who is she?? I dunno!!! The name is Chriqui, Emmanuelle Chriqui. Cute!!

So, conclusion I could draw from this exercise is... it is in the nature of a man to desire someone else's wives/spouses. Ada benar ka?? Miss Chriqui an actress (I googled her) is the only single girl in the top 5. Alba, Ambrosio, and Beckinsale are all mothers. Miller is a wife but not sure if shes a mother. Will call her to find out. Ahaks... The list is actually pretty long and most of the single ladies are towards the end of the list. So I ignored the list after some time. Number 6 to 10 as below:

6) Beyonce (married to Jay-Z the music mogul)
7) Penelope Cruz
8) Cheryl Cole (married to Andy Cole the footballer)
9) Eva Mendez
10) Miranda Kerr (she will only marry Orlando Bloom if he showers a little bit more - hehehe)

My question is, apa purpose list ni?? Your question for me would be.... apa purpose entry ni?? Hmm...


Mr Banna ... Ha ha! I'm 1st said...

Yes, what's the purpose of this entry.

Correction, it's Ashley Cole, not Andy Cole.

Lastly, who's the stranger yang gave you the ceramah?!? He did it as per Pak Timah's instruction/request?

wolfgirl said...

Yeah, thats right, my bad. Its Ashley Cole. But who cares. I could write one essay to just kutuk him. Sowie!!

As for the stranger Im not gonna tell la. Cannot reveal everything. You need a little mystery to make it interesting. Its not as per Pak Timah's instruction/request, thats for sure. I wanted to pass him something, so Pak Timah did not even know he was at the office giving ceramah. Pak Timah terkezut dia datang opis. But he said to me he likes to talk. A lot.... Elok la tu...