Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Social Standing...

In the land of the school children, to become a prefect is something huge!! What more if you are appointed as the Head Prefect. It the land of our society, the prefects title is similar to having a Dato' status atau yang seangkatan dengannyer. Well, thats how I see it. Its all about status. Owh, you're a prefect so you are expected to be intelligent and a natural leader. But reality check!!! Not all prefects are intelligent or even a natural leader. Same think with all the Dato's in the country - not all are rich and deserves the title.

Until today I do not understand how teachers pick their prefects. I was a prefect myself in secondary school. I was never the Head Prefect - if I were, that would erupt the peacefulness of the school. But I honestly think they picked the wrong twin as prefect. I believed they were confused between me and Nana. I loved to tell stories back then, I wasnt that friendly with my teachers, I loved to fool around, I wrote spiteful letters to my junior (Rathiga being my partner in crime - but thats another story). Perhaps, they picked me as a prefect due to my father being the head of PTA?? I think I nailed the jack pot with this one. Yes, that has got to be it!!

Anyway, heres a flashback. We were having our first Physics monthly test. So being a moron in Physics, we never understood what was going on. So we did what we knew best back then, we cheated!!! Yes, me the school prefect cheated together with Rathiga (also a prefect), Jessica (another prefect), Thavanes (librarian) and Lynn (statusless). The best part was, we were caught cheating because all our answers were the same!!! Three out of the four prefects in the class were caught!! Mun Ee being the fourth prefect were too retarded and refused to joined in our little fiasco!! All of us were Physics morons and it was like the blind leading the deaf!! It all happened during the first week dapat prefect uniforms. Mr. Foo our Physics teacher atau nama manjanyer Mr. Fool made us re-take the test. He said he will not report us ( I think because he knew my father was in the PTA and so was Rathiga's father) Phew, thank God!! That was close. So we re-sat the test and guess what?? I wasnt such a moron after all. I got 84% out of a 100%. Hahaha... People were cursing me coz the paper was easier compared to the first one. Well, too bad they never cheated.

What Im trying to say is, being a prefect you need to carry yourself with pride. No fooling around as it is a huge responsibility. It helps you shape the person you're gonna be when you grow up. If you need to do something stupid, be smart and try to get away with it!! Seriously. That would be my advice to Adam!! Hehehe... Some advice huh?? No doubt being the Head Prefect or even just a Prefect gives you an advantage, never misuse them.

This entry is pretty long, I better stop now before you fall into a coma reading this...

Congrats to Adam who is now the Junior Head Prefect of St. John!!! Make us proud and dun cheat!!! Hehehe...


arinah_albakri said...

bangga setahun adam!!
kembang habis la seluar tu..
cepat, dam, check seluar!!
nak terkoyak dah..
adam, jangan duduk!!
(is dat how seluar terkoyak sounds like?)
how would i know??
not MY seluar..
ask adam!!
btw, congrats adam!!

"with big power comes big RESPONSIBILTY"

remember that!!

p/s : suhani, menguap tutup mulut, nanti lalat masuk ;P!!

arinah_albakri said...

btw, nice boobies!
siapa buat??

Mr Banna said...

Eeeww! Dotter (a.k.a "kg dot", or whatever) ... you sound (taste?!?) like 'sour grapes'. Macam tak ikhlas je congratulating your brader. Nice boobies what?!?

wolfgirl said...

kak in, if you notice la kan, adam has got oni one boob. look at the picture, you gave him oni one boobie. also, wat is this lalat2?? wat u talking about round about??

Mr Banna said...

Oh, that boobie. Kat tengah la wei ... unreal! I don't understand wat she meant about the lalat thingy as well. By the way, I am taking the 8.30 pm bus on Thursday. Sampai about 11 pm kat Medan Gopeng.

By the way (again), I was SMI 1's Asst Head Boy in 1976 and Head Boy a year later ... beat that!!! Didn't know you were also a notty girl at TCS ... lucky you Pak Abu (or can we call him Pak Timah?!?) was in the PIBG. Credit to Adam though ... he got to be what he based on his own merits; so was the case with my Nottty Dotter whilst she was at CBN.

arinah_albakri said...

lalat : in case acuk yawn, tutup mulut! why would u yawn, u might ask? because i put a boring quotation. faham? durh!!! slow la pulak.. hahahahahhaha..

bah, inah ikhlas from the bottom of my heart ok! demi allah("('o',)!
