Saturday, January 9, 2010

What were they thinking!!!

I was looking at this picture and it struck my mind, Anas buat aper tu?? What was he doing when the picture was taken?? Did he realize he was being photographed?? What went on his mind?? People were dispersing and here he was busy with the egg. If he wanted to eat it, why wait til the end of the event?? He could always have the egg when people are still eating.

Have you ever wonder what goes on in a child's mind?? Sometimes its fun to have a little conversation with the little ones. My favourite would be my Anas and baby sayang. It has been established that Baby Sayang talks like an old lady. Almost like an old lady trapped in a child's body. Im sorry, tapi ye, macam Makcik2. And she could talk and talk and go on forever.

Kak In and Baby Sayang looking so sweet and beautiful!!

My Anas on the other hand is different. This is how I see Anas:

  • Doesnt talk nonsense
  • He could be kinda quiet
  • A bit of a loner
  • He projects himself as blur but in truth - a total opposite

Im curious to know what goes on his mind during Nana's wedding. He doesnt say things out loud, but I know his mind was processing something during the whole event. About being a flower boy and all. I know for sure he knows he looks good wearing a suit. Once he was dressed that night, he went to the girls' room to parade himself. Waiting for us to compliment him. Of coz, being a handsome devil himself, he got what he wished for.

Once we were having a conversation about school and study. He said why would he study when he could still remember all the things taught in the class. Everything is still fresh in his mind. And here most people think he is as blur as he looks. Looks could be deceiving eh??

Children may just be children to most people, but I think their opinions are valuable. They may not be as matured as us, but its great to tap into their minds and see how they view certain situations. Maybe after a couple of years, go back to the same conversation, who knows they might change their opinions. So never underestimate the young ones. Sometimes they could think better than you may imagine.

My all grown up nephews looking so handsome and dashing!!

Another great pic of Adam and Kak In. But I dunno how to rotate the bloody picture. Blame it on El (Mr. Photographer) for locking the pics to this position.


Mr Banna said...

I'm first dear dotter! Ha ha!!!

Wolfy ... I need feedback about you know who ... please ... kesian kawan aku yang sorang tu!

arinah_albakri said...

eleh, bah..
that shows that i study ok!!!!

btw, gmba dgn shina, mata inah bulldog la!! tak suke tak suke tak suke!!

Mr Banna said...

Mana tak nya mata bulldog. It's all your doing ... tak cukup tidoq and then dah terpaksa bangun awal ...

wolfgirl said...

Kak In, Acuk slalu pesan jgn tido lewat sgt, but u never listened!!!

arinah_albakri said...

mana ada tidoq lewat!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Banna said...

Mana ada tidoq lewat?!? Oh puhleezz ...

Mr Banna said...

Eeerrr ... by the way Wolfy, shouldn't the topic of this particular posting of yours be "What WERE they thinking" instead of "What ARE they thinking". In 1980 (or was it end 1979?), Pak Timah (if they can use the term Mak Abu, so apa salahnya Pak Timah) employed an indian dude to tutor me London language, you know or not!

wolfgirl said...

Okay, da tukar da!! Thanks.. Heheh...

Mr Banna said...

Wah ... you still listen to me ah? So now it's You Write and I Read eh?