Thursday, January 7, 2010

Vanity rules!!!

I always believe that I am not vain. As much as I want to believe that, I...

  • Visit the beauty parlor at least once a month, to trim my so called Amazon forest eyebrows
  • I try to keep certain parts of my body as hairless as possible - takmo la ader yg terjuntai2 terkuar
  • I work out at the gym hoping that one day I would miraculously turned into Alessandra Ambrosio or any one of the Victoria's Secret's models
  • I do not practice any French manicure or pedicure but I do make sure my nails are in order
  • I may not know how to style my hair but I keep it simple by going for rebonding and hair treatment - easy to manage
Is that vanity?? I am not vain! Am I?? I don't think so. But is it so wrong to be vain?? I'm not even close to being a narcissistic person but I realized there live a little vain girl in all of us women. The difference between me and you is our level of vanitiness. Is that even a word?? Some vanity starts at a very young age. For example my little baby sayang...

Shes only four, but her vanity shines through. Hehehe.. What a cute little face!! I noticed she likes to look at herself in the mirror, she loves beautiful things (ain't we all??), she likes to decorate herself like a Christmas tree with Acuk Na's little trinkets. Even her birthday cake has to be the vain Miss Barbie!! I guess she spends too much time with Princess Barbie. And I've never seen Miss Barbie without the make-up!! Such low self-esteem Barbie ni!! :D Bad influence for baby sayang.

Why are women vain?? We are what we are not for the male population. Its almost like we are what we are for other women. Almost like a competition - the pressure to keep up with other women. I don't think men really care if you go for facial once a month. Some do not even notice when you change your hairstyle. To them everything is the same. Is that a new handbag?? He wouldnt know. But other women's antenna would definitely pick up if you're wearing your new Gucci dress even if they are all in the same colour. Some even know if its fake!! Of coaz having said all that, it all will benefit the men in the end. I mean, no man in this world would not be attracted to beautiful things, let alone a beautiful woman.

I think women can never run away from vanity. It is a part of being a woman!! Even baby sayang knows that!!


nana said...

Baby sayang is so vain like acuk na... love you baby sayang

Mr Banna said...

Alahai anak ku yang sorang ni ... Can be brutal at times too! Remember what she did to Piney Boy?!?

arinah_albakri said...

yeah2, gigit abangnya kat tetek!!
sampai berdarah n luka ok!!
such cute tiny vain vamp!!
noty noty noty baby (tak) sayang!!

nana said...

Noti baby sayang... but loook at her face la... she can even get away with murder

love you baby sayang

wolfgirl said...

So true!!! She could even get away with murder!!!

arinah_albakri said...

baby sayang pakai mask princess eh??
very noty but muka, alahaiiiii..