Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Should I be worried???

B/P: 118/76 (Yay!!)
Glucose: 8.3 (what??)

They tried to make me cut my sugar and I said NO, NO, NO
Yes I love sweet but when I eat chocs you'll know know know
I aint got no worry and if myself think Im fine
You tried to make cut my sugar, I wont do do do

So yesterday was the moment of truth. Blood test result.... Sugar level: 4.6!!! Yay!!!

They tried to make me cut my sugar and I said NO NO NO!! :))

But what puts a frown on my face was actually my cholesterol level. Its 5.84. Should be less than 5.2. Good news is its not more than 6.2 or else its high risk. Now Im scared!! So what to do?? Doc says take oats or high fibre. Oats?? Yeah right. Looks like puke to me. Increase exercise. Ok I think I can do that. Cut down on all deep fried food. Of coz, I really have to control my diet, which makes my food intake pretty much boring. What is it that I could eat?? No this, less that, goodbye lamby... Huhuhu... :(( Cut down not totally goodbye kan... Its like Im saying to Kris Dayanti no Botox for you. Or to Heidi Montag to stop with all the cosmetic surgery.

Not only that, I got urine infection jugak la pulak. What does it mean?? Doc wants me to:

  • Take plenty of water. So after this Mr. Toi will be my bestest friend.
  • Decrease sugar intake ( what??? but why?? there goes my love for chocs )
  • Take lots and lots of veggie and fruits (I think I can do that)

I am to disclose this info to my fellow siblings coz he said high cholesterol runs in the family. So we all have to check and control our eating habits. Thats the story of my bloody blood test!!

1 comment:

Mr Banna la ... who else?!? said...

Ha ha! Welcome to the club! Die die die!!! Balun je ... all the bad bad food and the tonnes of medication to go with it as well la ... after that die die die lor!