Friday, February 12, 2010

20 Things.....

20 things about me you don't know and probably don't care

1. Lady Rain by Indecent Obsession is my absolute favourite song in the world
2. I absolutely love Pride and Prejudice
3. I dance when I'm alone in my bedroom
4. I have written a book about twins - needs some polishing with the concept and story
5. I secretly wish I could be a writer one day
6. I hate Anna Karenina - I do not understand what is so great about that stooopid book
7. I'm a sloooooooooooow reader
8. Blood makes me wanna puke - a little dizzy too
9. Not an animal lover
10. I'm a movie buff
11. But movies about aliens and the end of the world just turn me off
12. I love theme parks
13. Quite picky when it comes to friends - some are simply not worth being friends with
14. I've got no problem with honesty - it hurts at the beginning but that's about it
15. I turn to chocolates when I'm angry or stress
16. I like to bake
17. Ivanka Trump rocks
18. I like spending some quality time by myself
19. People always mistaken my kindness to weakness
20. Anas Albakri makes me happy


angry niece said...

what about arinah albakri??
huh, suhani??
the one you always call to balik rumah opah n teman you..

arinah_albakri said...

p/s : mami said, #20 is public domain n a forgone conclusion..
like durhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw, #14, shouldn't it be honesty instead of honestly??
n fyi, i know most of the facts already..
so, write other facts that i do not know about u..
ok, suhani??

Mr Banna said...

Amende ni?

wolfgirl said...

you're right kak in... it should be honesty.