Monday, October 5, 2009

Raya Part 3

More pictures to share... This is of us (me and nana) with Hisama's girls... I think this was taken during the 2nd day of Raya. Ops... Alisha, where are you... Owh... there you are...

Posing sana, posing sini, datang la seorang hero yang bernama Anas. He wasnt in a good mood in which I couldnt be too sure of the season. Could it because we were snapping pics without him?? Hmmm... Anyway, he stayed with us on the stairs... This is the best result...

There are a lot more pics to share, but Im just too lazy to upload the pics...


~arinah@albakri~ said...

me 1st!
1st pic : my position mcm KATAK!
check out my legs!
2nd pic : my ears nmpk sgt capang mcm GAJAH ok!
3rd pic : i look gud in it = chomel :)!
4th pic : ok la, but my eyes mcm kecik plak?
smua cantek la!
no worries!
thnx, uncle ray!
n cuk di also..

wolfgirl said...

ada satu lagi gambor Shina duduk terkangkang!!! hehe... lawak gambo tu..