Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I honestly do not understand why people always misconstrue whatever I say. The end result is they tend to make up their own assumptions. Sometimes all I need is someone to just be there and listen. How hard could that be?? It doesnt take a genius to do that. I do not need any advise nor do I need someone to give me one long lecture. If I need any of that, I could always ask. Tak payah nak susah2. Sometimes, I just need to express whats inside of me, certain things I just cant keep on bottling up inside. At one point I'll burst. That would be even worst. But oh no.... They need to say something back, like as if I am the one asking for this stupid shit. I can honestly say that sometimes it bleeds my ears just to listen to them. Can you please shut up and listen for once?? Something so small and irrelevant could even be a big deal just because they misunderstood me.

What would I do???
  • Keep quiet...
Ever heard of silence is golden?? I guess thats so true. Certain things are better left unspoken. What you dunno doesnt hurt you. So no need to share. If you tell pun, it will stir things up and you'll end up arguing about something so stupid. Buat sakit hati jer.
  • "Ntah la" and "I dunno" should be your favourite phrases to use
One thing I realized, these two phrases will stop people from goin further with the conversation. If you're too tired of keeping quiet and be the victim of nagging, these two phrases are the alternatives. Most of the time it will end the conversation with nobody cursing each other, banging doors or throwing things around. One thing I can tell, the other person might be frustrated or annoyed at you coz everything is "ntah" and "I dunno" for you. But who cares!!!

From now on, maybe I should just keep things to myself. No need to share with anyone. Its not like they care. Everyone is too selfish of themselves. I am stupid enough thinking sharing could lessen the burden. Many people think life is a bed of roses for me. Everything comes easy. I dunno they just dun see or they pretend all is alright. The power of denial I guess. When they want something they come to me, when I need something from them, macam2 I have to go through. Most of the time tak dapat pun.

Malas mau cakap banyak2. Ntah2 they misinterpret this...


Mr Banna said...

Ok, I have spoken to you about this one but it is still puzzling me. It sounds like me (?!?) but I have not liaised with you these past few days up to the extend of upsetting you big time. Apa ke hal nya ni?!?

~ur dearest niece~ said...

u can always come and talk 2 me, suhani..
im a gud listener, u noe?
ask babah..
kan bah, kan?
prasan la plak..
but juz 2 let u noe, dat im here if u nid sum1 2 talk 2..
IF u dun mind sharing sum of it wif me..
the LEAST i cud do is lessen ur burden..
cehhhh ceehhhh, mcm teror je bdk ni berkata2..
but im serious, cuk..