Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Brain Freeze

Hmmm... I dunno what to write. Been a while since my last entry, but my wonderful brains refuses to come up with some coherent theme to talk about.

Ah, I know. Since we are all in the wedding mood, let me congratulate Ivanka Trump on her wedding!!! Shes married to Jared Kushner. Weird, there was not much publicity. Maybe because we dun even live in the same continent. But I must say her husband looks like a mullet. Im sowie, he does ok. Well, that doesnt matter, as long as she's happy!! Yay!!! I actually googled him, and Im glad to report that he doesnt look too bad. They should have put a better pic. Rupenyer he owns the New York Observer. And plus they both are into this real estate business. Something they have in common. For a trust fund baby, I think shes inspirational. To me la. And her jewelry collection... They are some really nice ones, but mak ai.. crazy expensive!!!

As rich as Donald is, I dun understand why he doesnt wanna do something with his hair. Weird isnt it?? Ivanka is lucky she doesnt have Daddy's hair. Owh and that little Barron Trump is such a little darling. Looks like he's got to thank Mummy Melania for his good looks.

The other thing is 2moro I have to be in the office early in the morning. By 7.30am no cars are allowed due to the persidangan kat SUK. I think I'll bring my camera this time. Mana la tau kot2 ader benda2 yang wajib ditangkap. Bole masuk dalam ni. Hmmm... Hopefully takde unsur2 nak terberak ke aper ker la. Takleh nak balik2 umah ni. Mau tak leh masuk balik kawasan opis. I would hate to berak in the office. The toilet is disgusting!! Yuck!!

Ok peps, gotta run... Later...

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