Thursday, October 22, 2009

Saper Nak Bayar Ni???

Okay, Nana's wedding adventure is coming up soon. So finally I sent my bajus all for tailoring!!! Yipppeeee.. One for the 'akad nikah', one for the hotel and one for Teluk Intan. All together 3 pairs. Kaya Lee Lee. Shes my tailor. I like her coz she will give me feedbacks. Yay Lee Lee!!!

I know, I know, Im not the one getting married, but Im the bride's maid. Owang gaji pengantin pun mesti ah pakai cun2 sket. Bru betol!!! Bling2 here, bling2 there. But not too goddie la. If the truth must be revealed I must say Im kinda excited to see how the end result will be like. With the lace, and the beading works, Im sure its gonna cost me a bomb!!! But the thing is, I often wonder if I could pull it off. Now, the question is, where can I get the money?? Shall we plan a heist?? To pull that off I need an army of minions... Maybe the little kiddies could be my little minions. Hwahahaha... Patutnyer amek gegambor kengkain tu kan... Bleh letak dalam ni...

Bajus aside, I need to look for shoes. Hmm... I wouldnt wanna stand next to Nana looking like a dwarf. Dang!! Ni yang payah ni.. I just dun understand how you walk with 4 inches heels. Even wearing something less than that, after a couple of hours, I swear I could hear my feet begging me to take it off. Good news is, I already bought a pair of pinkish shoe for the hotel reception. Macam ader unsur2 cun!!! Do we need to get red heels as well for the 'akad nikah'?? Yang kat Teluk Intan nak pakai colour aper?? Bajuku berwarna puteh, disulami beads biru. Apakah warna kasut yang sesuai untuk itu?? Hmmm....

Any thoughts, any one???


Mr Banna said...

Ah sudah! Kat Telok Anson tu pakai hijor le!

~arinah@albakri~ said...

baju puteh with bluey beads?
then, blue heels la, 2 match 'em up!

wolfgirl said...

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing..