Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Raya Part 4

Hwahahaha... Whats so funny Arinah?? Lalat masuk molot ker?? Smua tak tengok camera...

I think this one not so bad. Smua tengok camera tak Anas muka herot la plak...

The whole family. Sabar and family jer takde.

Big Na and lil Na... Lil Na was forced to kiss big Na... Hehehe...


Mr Banna said...

Ha ha! I'm the 1st to comment! I do like these set of photos ... Good job Wolfy! Jangan stressed yek, and jangan mudah salah faham and jump to conclusions ... must be the 'over-whelming fear' ... tsk tsk tsk!!!

wolfgirl said...

Yeah, I think it goes to all of us.... Im sorry if I hurt your feelings.. Honestly I never meant to. Anyway, I like Nana ngan Shina... So cute... Ader satu lagi of Nana kissing Shina..

Mr Banna said...

No hard feelings from me too. I'm so excited to go. Even some of my office mates commented that I look and sound so ceria this few days. Post le Part 5 cepat! Kenapa anak aku ni tak comment lak?

~arinah@albakri~ said...

hey hey!
nak komen la ni..
erm, cantek gmbo2..
suhani, do u HAVE 2 post d 1st pic?
dh la 1st, burok giler!!!!!!
org yg tgk, msti terkejot!
nywae, wahhhh, got sentimental moments here..
emo plak..

Mr Banna said...

Huh! Tak de pun sesapa yg nak mention about Dumbo's bday yesterday. Even Yaya (@ Jaja @ Yayuk)'s 2 weeks ago (siap blow candle kat Manjoi tu) pun didnt get any 'coverage'. Hmm ... diskriminasi sungguh! Bobo siap dapat 'topic' ... and I'm sure Lil' Na a.k.a. Baby Sayang on 27/11 and Piney Boy on 23/12 will almost certain get 'Front Page' coverage ... hmm ... Nasib badan le Dumbo and Jaja ...

wolfgirl said...

Nur Arinah, I cannot tahan I just have to post the first pic. Lawak la..

As for the birthday tu kan, no coverage doesnt mean I love them any less... Anas oso I never wrote anything until recently, and he is still my hero... :))