Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby sayang nak mandi...

  1. Shina - my little niece
  2. Acuk D - me
Shina (giving me that cute face of hers): Acuk boleh mandikan Shina??

Acuk D (surprised at such a request): Shina nak Acuk mandikan Shina?? Okay!!

I was surprised becoz Shina never wanted me to "mandikan" her. She's so much fun to bully. Not to mandikan. So thats how I usually spend time with her. She's very much "manja" and "mengada" with Nana doing her penguin dance.

So Acuk pun mandikan la baby sayang!!! Okay...
  • Towel? ...... Checked!
  • Little pajamas? ...... Checked!
  • Baby lotion? ....... Checked!
  • Nappy rash? ....... Checked!
  • Pampers? ....... Checked!
Baby sayang da mandi its time to wear pampers... Acuk D was trying so hard to even up the sides of the pampers. Okay, before we go on any further, let me stress here that this was not the first time Im handling kiddies with pampers. I wasnt that clueless la.. But how many times so far and I could count with one hand la. Hehehe... Shina was not aware of what Acuk D was trying her best to achieve thinking that this amateur aunt of hers didn't know how to put pampers on. I think maybe deep down she thought I would put the pampers on my head. And this was what baby sayang said to me...

Shina (imagine her innocent face smiling): Macam ni Acuk, Shina ajar Acuk... (pointing the sticky part of the pampers) Yang ni kat sini...

She gave me a smile with little twinkles in the eyes. The girl was laughing at me...

Ai yoi yoi... I was too stunned actually I couldn't remember she used the word "ajar" or "tunjuk". It was more like ajar la wei??? Shes teaching me how to use pampers... No Shina, you dun have to ajar Acuk. Acuk tau.... This little angel speaks like an old lady!!! Seriously...


arinah_albakri said...

Acuk, inah bacakan this entry kat mami..
n mami said, u got it wrong!
cos masa mami nak basuhkan berak shina, pampers dia salah..
terbalik or sumtink..
mami pun pelik la..
but couldn't be bothered pun..
despite of shina ajar acuk, u still got it wrong..
or dat little 'opah' yg salah ajar?
in conclusion, both of u, CLUELESS when it comes to pampers..
pampers org tua taw pkai x?

wolfgirl said...

hwhahaha... thats hilarious!!!