Friday, July 3, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

I went for Revenge of the Fallen last night. OMG, how I hated the first Transformers movie!!! Thank God the sequel wasn't as bad as the first one. If you are a Transformers fans, your eyes must be bleeding right this minute and you must be cursing me for saying this. I honestly do not understand the hype surrounding Transformers movie. I went for the first one and I think I was the only one in the whole world who didn't like the movie. Those who have seen the movie thought I was weird for not liking it. The sequel is called Revenge of the Fallen. From the title itself you could imagine the amount of actions and robots they've got for us. True, it was better than the first one but if truth be told, I did not understand half the story line. I was like, what?? Who cares about a bunch of alien robots!!! I liked Sam Witwicky's parents and I think his mother was hilarious!!! That was about it.

The whole movie was
like one long, long, looooooooooooooong advertisement to help Hasbro to promote their Transformers robots.

So what is Revenge of the Fallen all about?? Errr... I'm not too sure. About revenge I guess.
Okay, lets just say the movie was all about a super hot chick... Megan Fox

Plus super hot cars...

And a super boring hero... Shia Labeouf

I'm sorry, but I honestly think they need a new hero to be standing next to someone like Megan. The girl is gorgeous!! (Oh, that is until she opens her mouth. I think its best if she keeps quiet and not say a word) It just didn't do justice. The chemistry was off. You need someone equally hot walking beside Megan. But if they really have to have a simple looking boy with a touch of dorkiness, there's Toby Maguire. And Adam Brody would have been a cool Sam Witwicky.

See how cute Adam is...
Or maybe Penn Badgley... I think he is hot in a dorky kinda way...

Yay or nay??? I would give a BIG yay for both Adam or Penn!!! Oh well, all in all the movie was entertaining!!!

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