Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Moon Clips

Kak In, these two clips are for you... It may not be as clear as I hope, but it'll do...

This is the second clip with Alice... How strongly opposed are you to grand theft auto???...

Can you hear all the girls screaming?? This was recorded at the Comic Con Convention in San Diego. I swear if I were there, I would have clawed all the other girls. And you'll be hearing me instead!!! Hahah..


arinah_albakri said...

lagi la can't wait 4 NM!!!!!!!!
but mcm spoiler la..
dah taw a few scenes..
nywae, alice mcm burok with the scarf..
but the car..
O MON DIEU!!!!!!!!!!

wolfgirl said...

yeah kak in, tell me about it!!! a few more months...