Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The King of Pop!!!

I never thought I would write this entry coz I tried my very best to avoid it. But I just cant help it. From King of Pop they should give him the honour as The King of Plastic. I know, its pretty harsh.

I think everybody is a hypocrite when it comes to MJ.

"We love you Michael"

"We miss you Michael"

Hmm Uhm... Before his passing, people were saying how he was crazy to go through all these shit he put himself into. The skin pigmentation, his nose, being afraid of germs but were good friends with a chimp?? Whats up with that?? What about the child molestation?? Possibly but very unlikely. I honestly think he was misunderstood for his kindness acts to children. I mean, he was seen as a grown man who spent his time with children. I dont think it was healthy for a grown man like MJ to be spending most of his time in the company of little kids. Bizarre behaviour if you ask me. Maybe bcoz he had a poor childhood?? Possibly. But he started singing at a very young age and he simply shined doing what he did best. To get where he got at such a young age, he had to sacrifice his childhood.

At long last people started to appreciate him regardless of the damage he did to himself. I dont know, to me its almost like people are not sincere. So suddenly people started to kiss the gorund he walked on??

Thought of putting more pictures of the King of Pop himself but I think I better not do that. Lets not go into details with his appearance shall we?? He got scarier and scarier.

I was never a fan and will never be one. I honestly feel sorry for him. But for me, MJ will always be the musical genius that he was. What an incredible performer and a great artist. Looking at him performing was like having a spell put on you. You simply get hooked. A true legend and an icon. He was truly one of a kind.

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