Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lets Play Paintball!!!!!!!!!

Its paintball weekend for me!! I had a blast playing paintball with a group of people I don't really know.

My team: Me, Wanda, Stephenie, Irwin and Mr. Wong...

It was my first time getting acquainted with paintball.. And I must say it was pretty interesting. Thank God I did not die the first few minutes when the game started. I was pretty worried someone would blow my head off after less than five minutes in the game!!

The first game was pretty scary and intense coz I saw all my team mates getting shot at. And I had no bloody idea what I was doing. Hehe... Everybody was looking but I managed to make my team proud!! Yay!!! We won the first game. I got shot on my fingers for the second game. Nasib sikit jer. I cannot imagine the pain. Some people say its painful. Some say its nothing but you'll get bruises. But the time we played the third game I was already tired. My arms were tired. We were goin against Fay's team! Dang!! Shes got some pretty good team members on her side!!

So what did I do?? I hid behind the abandoned building until everybody died. It was between me and another guy from the other team. He ran to the finishing line, he saw me, I saw him, he shot at me but he missed, and i shot him. I shot him again and again. And we won!! Yippee... Then I learnt he was running out of palletes/ammo. That was why i survived!! Talk about beginner's luck. He would have shot at me coz I was too weak to even lit up my marker/gun. Berat giler!!! Dang!!

I pulled out after the third game. Nobody could be this lucky after the third round. Better leave while I was basking in glory!!! Macam hampeh..

Kak In, maybe we could try this some other time...


arinah_albakri said...

Yeah, of course!!!!!!!
inah nak main jugak!!!!!!

wolfgirl said...

yeah this would be fun...though im kinda scared to do this again...