Monday, July 20, 2009

Is UPSR Still Relevant??

Mula2 depa nak tukar plak Maths and Science back to Malay. And now they are debating about UPSR plak. Hmm... Mangsanyer bebudak skolah.. Aper relevan nyer nak tukar2 ni?? Bodo betol depa ni... Very fickle minded. What?? They think just because they changed the cabinet, they need to change everything??

I honestly think UPSR is still relevant. Why?? Because before they actually move on to secondary school, we need to assess them based on the past 6 years in primary school. This would be an important exam to determine the students as to where they stand academically before they enter the secondary life. And I think they should assess these kids based on these subjects... Nothing more, nothing less. Tak payah nak eksyen2 amik banyak2 subject...

  • BM
  • BI
  • Maths
  • Science
Maybe they could incorporate History to it. I dunno. Is History being taught in primary schools?? It has been how many donkey years I left school. I lost touch somehow. Hmm... Those children who did badly for their UPSR will have to be detained. Thats the only way. With that in mind, Im sure the children will do their best and theres no questions about buta huruf atau tidak. The problem with the current system is, regardless of your UPSR results, you will definitely move on to secondary school. BIG MISTAKE!!! Thats why bebudak amik sambil lewa jer. Coz they know at the end of the day, they could still go for secondary school.

Ader masalah bebudak yg sampai 12 tahun pun tak rheti nak baca. I think in this case, lower primary plays as important role. This would be the time when the teachers with the help of the parents have to ensure that the children's basic in all subjects are very well established. Bila asas tu at least above average, it would be easier for both children and teachers. And they could still continue with teaching Maths and Science in English. Bukan nyer tukar the whole system. You need to go back to the core problem. It is not necessary to change everything. What an ass!!!

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