Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hong Kong Trip

Check this out!! Do I look like a surgeon or do I look like a surgeon?? Dang!! I could give Yang or even Mer a run for their money.. Hehe.. If you take a closer look, I think I look like the female version of Jason (of Friday the 13th) Watch your back people!!!

Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to become a surgeon. (So not!!) It would be cool to wear the mask and butcher people on the table. But then again, Jason could do that too.

So I became a she-Jason for as long as I was in Hong Kong!!! How was Hong Kong?? Hong Kong was kinda interesting. The people were a little bit rude, but then again, what did I expect?? The hotel room were really small. I dont think you could fit even a cow in the room. Yesh, thats how small it was. The cow would suffocate, no room for Mr.Cow to move around.

These are my two assistance. They were with me the entire time. But they did more posing than helping me... Nana and Yana, you're both FIRED!!!

Finally we decided to abord our mission, not kill people but to go out and throw some money. Yippeee.... What a wonderful idea!!! So there goes our masks flying only God knows where.

Shopping in Hong Kong was both scary and delightful. Its a shopping heaven if you know how to bargain. WARNING: Never ask for the price if you have no intentions of purchasing it. They would force you to buy them. So better think twice before you ask. These HK people could be pretty scary sales people.

One of my favourites would be the wax museum. Too bad my brilliant self purposely did not bring my camera charger. What moron would have left her camera charger at home?? Bangang betol!! So had to restrain myself from taking lots of pictures.

This aunty is Madame Tussauds. But of coz, the highlight of the whole trip would be the Disneyland. I never knew little mouse Mickey could speak Chinese. Wei, Mickey cakap Cina tu, mana nak dapat. LA pun takde camtu... It rained the whole day. Fortunately Mickey wasnt in hiding. I was soaking wet but it didnt matter coz we had a blast there. Well, at least I did.

Sleeping Beauty's enchanted castle...

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