Thursday, June 11, 2009


Does your soulmate have to be the person you are in love with at that particular moment?? Or the person you are about to get married too?? Or can best friends be soulmates?? Is is okay for two girls to be soulmates??

Two sisters perhaps, could be soulmates?? How many soulmates do we have?? What exactly is a soulmate?? Someone who understands you personally, in and out and shares your friendship?? If that is the case, your boyfriend/partner/husband can be your soulmate. A close girl friend or even your best friend or family members could even be your soulmate. These are all the people who understands and shares your friendship.

sad to say, in todays society a girl girl relationship will be misconstrued as a love affair between the same sex. So that would rule out the soulmate theory. Im trying to figure out here what it really means.

Personally I think a soulmate is someone you share your personal strengths and weaknesses with, someone who not only understands but shares your way of thinking, and loves the same thing that you do. And I dont believe that a soulmate is limited to the person you end up getting married with. You may marry someone else but still share a certain connection with other people. Yes, it does sound scary. I actually believe that. And I believe that your soulmate should be the person that you see yourself in. Like theres a fragment of yourself in that person in which you could indentify with.. A friend once said, maybe you would come across several soulmates through out the course of your life. Who knows...

I mean, of coz we want our partners to be our soulmates. It dosent mean if you see yourself in that person, be it a girl or a boy you have to end up spending the rest of your lives together. Does it?? It just means you share a certain kind of bond. Your personal understanding of that person is somewhat strong. But you are not in love with that person what so ever. The question is could a boy and a girl be soulmates but not have any romantic feelings what so ever.

I think yes on occasions but no to most of the time!
Those that keep their emotions in check are capable. There usually would be one party who would cross the line and expects more. But I do believe a girl and a girl could be soulmates without expecting anything else in return. Lets not talk about a boy and boy soulmates. It even has a weird sound ringing to it..

Am I making sense?? I know some may agree with me, most would just smack me!! Thanks to my brilliant mind, I managed to confused myself even more with this soulmate crap!!!

So, Im outta here...


suhana abu bakar said...

i tend to agree with you Ms Wolfgirl... and i kinda like the way u express yourself in this piece of yours...

good one!

wolfgirl said...

hehe.. thank you ms suhana.. i appreciate that... :)

~arinah albakri~ said...

yes yes, me agree three.
me love the way u express yourself.
so, am i your soulmate?
tink b4 u answer ok!

wolfgirl said...

arinah albakri, if you would share ur chocolate with me, we are definitely soulmates... hehe..

~arinah albakri~ said...

i'll share wif u.
after all,