Thursday, June 11, 2009

Love is in the Air

Theres a shy boy working somewhere in Toronto. His name is Puteh. One sunny day, a new girl was recruited and they got no choice but to work together. Not to waste any time with the details, allow me to summarize their relationship into one short poem...

Pagi pagi makan kaya,
Cinta sudah berputik ya...


This is a photo of the girl Puteh is interested in. Her name is Sushi Harujuki...

Hmm... Shall we go get ourselves some food???


suhana abu bakar said...

Wow... sungguh romantik sekali... aper cerite seterusnyer? tak sabar i....

wolfgirl said...

hehe... puteh da tengok ka??

~arinah albakri~ said...

si puteh dan si susushi.
sgt sweet together.
esp, di pekan toronto.
dikenali ramai.
so, wedding nanti, kena la buat LIVE BAND kan?
utk entertain org2 yg dtg.
dah bagi hint dah ni..

wolfgirl said...

hehehe... baguih sekali comment arinah albakri