Friday, June 19, 2009

Im Goin...

OMG, today is the day we have to get the influenza jap! Takot, takot, takot! I hate injections! Ini mengalahkan baby ni. Takot tak takot kena buat gak. For precaution sake. Buat jer. Jangan tunggu2. Petang ni pi ngan Nana.. But then again, Im not sure whether I should be afraid of the injection itself or the doctor giving me the injection. I just hope she knows what shes doing. Sometimes she can even ask, "what is it that you want?" Huh?? Aren't you supposed to give me what's best for me??

Kat mana nak suruh doktor cucuk ni?? Kat bontot?? Lengan?? Hmm... Kalo lengan it has to be on the left side. Lengan kanan rasa mcm penat.. If she insists on looking at my ass, then we go with the ass!! Yay!!! Jangan doktor tu terkezut tengok bontot sudah... Yang penting, harap2 bila doktor main cucuk2 ngan bontot, idak ler terkuar angin dari bontot tu. Nanti kang pengsan plak Doktor Prema..*Sigh*

Tu la, after much debate, we have decided to go jer HK tu... Lagi lama tunggu, macam2 lagi dalam kepala. Tak yah pikir pi jer. Plus, tix smua da bayar.

Hardly a week and I'm off to HK!!!

1 comment:

arinah@albakri said...

OMG suhani!
u dun hav 2 tel the whole world bout u showing ur little ass 2 the doc.