Monday, June 1, 2009

MTV Movie Awards 2009

Woohoo... Twilight was the biggest winner for 2009 MTV Movie Awards...

Best Fight - Rob and Cam (Gonna miss you James)

Best Kiss - Rob and KStew (Mmuacksss)

Breakthrough performance - Rob (He's a phenomenon!)

Best female performance - KStew (I honestly think this girl has got so much potential)

Best Movie - Twilight!!!! (Yay!!!!)

Best of all was when KStew went up the stage to accept her best female performance popcorn... Not only was she dressed like how Bella would (a dress and a converse snickers???) she was being very the Bella by dropping her golden popcron!!!! Hehehehe... That was funny!!! Rob was laughing!!! Poor girl!! Not a fan of Bella's, but I do believe KStew deserves the popcorn. Yay!!! She was way better than the book Bella. Way to go girl!!

I thought Rob and Kristen were really gonna heat up the stage with their best kiss demonstration. A little action doesnt hurt does it??!!! And I really thought they were gonna do it. They fooled us all by pretending to reenact the whole kissing scene on stage. Beria jer Rob cakap nak buang chewing gum dalam molot tu! Konon2 la!! Tampo kang!! But Rob looked kinda disappointed when Kristen pulled away. Dang!! Ni mesti takot Angarano cakap pape kot, eh Kristen?? ;P Macam hampeh jer... Tampo ajer dua2 tu!!! Ish.... Kecoh ah...

Congrats to Steph for her amazing love story and to Cat and all her kittens for bringing Twilight to life!!! Biggest disappointed was when Paramore lost to Miley Cyrus!!! Miley who??? Smelly Miley!!! Who would have thought??!!! Dang!!

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