Friday, June 5, 2009

The Most Beautiful Man In The World

Are you drooling as you look at the picture?? Let me introduce you to this hot Greek guy. His name is Saki Rouva. Could this Greek guy be the most beautiful man in the world??? Somehow they managed to find this hot piece of Greek Man and voted him as the most beautiful man in the world. I guess God must have spent a little more time perfecting his beautiful face - that's true. Having been to Greece, a friend once said that God must have spent a little more time on all Greeks, not just this one. If you wanna see live "Greek Gods" walking down the streets, Greece is the place. I can only imagine what she means by that. Oh la la.. Lets go to Greece then... "Mama mia, here a go again"... Hehe...

I think beauty is very subjective. What is beautiful to you, may not be beautiful to me - and vice versa. Plus, beauty is more than just about the physical appearance. Do you believe that?? Hmm... "Salt and Pepper" said if you carry yourself like a queen, you will attract a king. There is no such thing as an ugly man or woman. Its all about how you manage yourselves. I think what it means is, you need to flaunt your charms and be pleasant at all times. With strong personalities, people tend to overlook your physical flaws and see them as attractiveness. Besides, someone elses imperfections could be seen as perfection to some people!

So, who is the most beautiful man in your world??? For me, most definitely Rodrigo Santoro the Brazilian hottie... Im drooling here...

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