Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Birthday in Advance Hani Basha...

A birthday wish will never be complete without a birthday song. Since Im here and you're there, I have asked my three little alien friends to sing a familiar tune for you. Sowie, they forgot your name there. Heheh.. At first I wanted to get you a return flight to Malaysia so you could celebrate with your family. After I paid my Visa credit card I realized I dont really have the dough. So you can say goodbye to Malaysia la. Then I thought ok la, I will send you a birthday card. Theres something about the anticipation of receiving and opening a letter/package that is very thrilling to me. Unfortunately I do not have your house address. Ini bukan satu alasan. Hehehe... So there goes your card. Its impossible to call, I already tried that. SMS also doesnt work. To wish you via email is too common and boring. I wouldnt wanna be like your any other boring friends. After debating with myself, hitting my head to get my creative juices running inside, finally a light bulb appeared on top of my head. The light was so bloody bright. The end result is I've decided to write you a birthday wish in my blog.

I guess this is the part where Im suppose to say nice things about the birthday girl. But I think I'll skip that coz no words could do enough justice to describe the kind of person you are. Are you boo_ing at me?? If I say nice things about you nanti koyak you punyer Victoria's Secret all. Hehe... Im not gonna go long with this coz I wouldnt want you to faint reading this. So happy birthday once again to a wonderful and amazing person!! Wishing you long life, prosperity, happiness and good health. Also dipercepatkan jodoh... Eh, sowie, that last part was meant for me!!! Hehehe... Diperpanjangkan jodoh.... Amin!!

How does it feel to be a year sexier??? Grrrrr.... Mayb I should ask Azu that question with regards to you... Hmm...

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