Monday, June 1, 2009

New Moon

The most anticipated movie of 2009... or shall I say my most anticipated movie of 2009... The long awaited trailer is finally out... I've been waiting for how many donkey months for this... I guess if not for the MTV Movie Awards 2009, we would have to wait a little longer for the trailer... Who better to introduce the video if not Rob, KStew and Taylor...

Jazz couldn't control himself at the smell of Bella's blood from the paper cut! Is it true a small paper cut could create such an unfortunately incident??? Hmmm... Jazz must have forgotten to feed himself for him to be this thirsty...

One of my favourite parts from the trailer would be when Edward pushes Jazz away from Bella. It was awesome! I cant help thinking how strong the push must be... I was like makan Bella, makan Bella, makan Bella! Only concern is the wolf Jake phases into looks a little small... Was hoping to see a bigger wolf. From what I heard they were gonna use special effects to make the wolves as big as horses... I guess it was just a rumour...

Too bad there werent't enough of Rose, Big Bro Emmett, Dr. and Mrs. Cullens in the trailer... Little Alice is adorable as usual... Yay! Team Alice!!! Can't wait for Grand Theft Auto!!!


~arinah albakri~ said...


wolfgirl said...

you got that right girl!!! hehe...