Monday, June 15, 2009

David Slade for Eclipse??

I'm not too thrill having this man on board the Twilight ship. This is David Slade. It was announced sometime ago that this man will direct Eclipse, the third installment of the well loved vampire saga, Twilight. I just read an interview with him and the end result is he gave me fear. I fear he would ruin Eclipse. What I don't like about this man is from what I've read of his interview, he did not really do his homework and research.

These would be my advice to David...

  • The Twilight saga is not just about putting a book onto the big screen. Its more than that. Like it or not, it has become a phenomenon. And unfortunately David never realized that. Its just another adaption for him. So I honestly do not have any faith in this man to carry out the third installment. And never forget, Eclipse has become most followers' favourite book to date. The expectation would be higher.
  • Eclipse is not another teen movie. It is not only for 15 year old girls. It has a vast followers ranging from 12 to 60.
  • Please do not forget the love story behind it.
  • Its cool to learn the different characters' origin stories, but please don't focus on just Jacob. There are other characters worthy the screen time, like Rose and Jazz.
  • Eclipse differs from 30 Days of Night. They are of two diff vampire worlds.
  • Don't be arrogant and start taking Eclipse seriously.
  • Try to at least like the story Eclipse is trying to uncover before actually directing the movie. Its hard to embark on a project you don't even believe in.

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