Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lunch With Tun Mahathir and Tun Siti

Yippeee... Dr. Prema was not around, so Dr. James gave me my influenza shot. Yes, I flashed him my cute little ass ( which is not so little anymore) I feel sorry for him, having to look at my ass Im sure the doctor is gonna have one hell of a nightmare. But who cares. Thats his problem!!! While he was busy with the shot, I imagined he was giving me botox. Hehe...

Forget bout my ass, now on to a more interesting story, had lunch with Tun Mahathir and Tun Siti on Saturday. Woohoo... I had the oppotunity to ask Tun Siti if her hair was actually a wig!!! Of coz not!! Notice how her hair is always the same. Anyway, I had to restrain myself from asking her that. How rude!!!!

I knew my big sister is a huge fan of Tun, but I never knew she could be a potential stalker. She bumped into Tun in Langkawi. Took a family photo with Tun, enlarged the photo. She developed an extra copy just for Tun and wrote one long essay at the back of the photo. She was dying to give Tun the photo. Fortunately for her, all went well and she got to take another photo with Tun. How cool is that?? Yesh, but it got a little scary when she actually followed Tun to his car, waving and forcing Tun's bodyguards to remind Tun to read her long essay written behind the photo. Not cool at all, if shes a stalker... RUN TUN, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! That woman can be scary!!!

Oh, mummy was cool. Took a photo with Tun as well.

Tun M's number one fan...

1 comment:

arinah@albakri said...

amboi amboi opah..
pegang pegang tangan tun..
tok tak mara ke?
tak jealous ke?