Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kenapa ni???

Skarang ni slalu sangat la smua orang asyik not in a good mood. Better not mention who they are. But sometimes it saddens me. Most times than not, when A says something, B gets upset. Without realizing, it somewhat affects the others. Lets not talk about talking it through. It will make things even worst. I hate it when B gets upsets and very stressful. Smua benda tak jadik, sikit2 marah, and Im tired of all these. Once or twice I've wished I was elsewhere so I wouldnt have to deal with all these. And now that C has gone back home, everything is a rush. And everybody wants to do everything themselves. Malangnyer tak mampu la nak wat smua tu sendiri. Maklum la, we are just humans and not terminator machines. Susah la like that. We need to divide the things to be done. One person cannot afford to do everything. Satu lagi bila ader unsur2 tak sabar!!! Cuba bawak bertenang. Relax. Life is too short to be so stressful. Takde maknanyer!!! Ntah la... Malas mau cakap banyak2.. Im praying for the best!!!


arinah@albakri said...

relax la cuk..
i tink i know who a, b, n c is..
sian acuk d..
btw, im a good listener, u know?

suhana abu bakar said...

hhhhmmm i think i know too

Mr Banna said...

All I know I'm not A, B or C. Relax laa ...