Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Selamat Pengatin Baru Ima & Mazli

I think I was about 5 years old when her mother got married. When I turned 6, she decided to pop out of her mother's belly. And now, after 24 years, I attended HER wedding. Isn't it bizarre, I was at both mother and daughter's wedding day!!! Yippeee... Who is this Im talking about about?? Its none other than Isma. Majlis akad nikah on the 7th August 09 and reception dinner was on the 8th August 09. Eh.. gambo tak clear plak!! Macam hampeh jer... Carik gambo lain ah..

Ni nak citer skit ni, masa zaman dahulu kala, masa tu isma kechik lagi, slalu kena buli. Cian isma. Tapi isma ni suka ngadu kat babah. Kena usik skit isma mengaum pastu tu khang buli mesti kena marah. Time mengaji tu yang paling best. Cian makcik ngaji tu kena tunggu. Ader budak tu buat2 tido plak eh?? Shared some pretty interesting memories with Isma. Those were the days.

Ni malam akad nikah. Acuk Na jadik bibik Ima for the night. And also malam reception the next day.

Ima: Bik, tolong betolkan make-up ni?? Ayor mata rasa mcm nak terkuar...

Bik Na: Iya, baik buk!!

Camtu ah lebih kurang.

Of coz, lastly mesti ader gegambo bersama sedara mara yang over ni...

The end....


suhana abu bakar said...

siapa bibik???

wolfgirl said...

susu ler...

Mr Banna said...

Lembapnya your 'belly' mate ah wolfy?!? Bibik pun tak tahu sapa ... ape ler Mrs Mee Mastan ... kesiap Skippy, oopss ...

wolfgirl said...

Hehe... Lawak...