Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Sayang Tak Gosok Gigi

Baby sayang left her Barbie tooth brush and kodomo in my toilet. What does it mean?? Hmm... I wonder if the girl actually brushes her teeth or not?? Atau main gurgle ngan ayor garam jer??? Eewww... Kalo main gurgle gurgle, kumuh kumuh, ni mesti blajar dari Hisama... Yek!!!

Camner nak jadik princess kalo gigi tak gosok ni?? Nanti princess bukak molot jer prince da lari. How now???

"You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
Its a love story baby just say yes"

Better get yourself a new tooth brush Shina, nanti Romeo will not be throwing pebbles at your windows.. A song for baby Shina... please sing to Taylor Swift's Love Story... You know which part Im talking about kan...

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever brushing your teeth
My faith in you fading
When I saw your tooth brush on toilet sink, I said

Romeo save Shina from gigi rongak
I keep waiting shes not coming for her brush
Please get a new one, I dont know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled a brush for Shina

And said, Shina please brush gigi
You'll never have gigi rongak
I love you so please gosok gigi
I talked to your dad, go picked out a tooth brush
Its a love story baby just say yes...

Oh oh
Oh oh
Cause you were young, you left your tooth brush....


Finally, Shina got a new tooth brush from Romeo... Well, I hope someone realized it and got her a new one...

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