Monday, March 22, 2010

Play WIth Fire

Im not one of those who like to be in a picture. I would prefer to be the person who shoots the pics rather than be in them. Don't get me wrong. I do not totally hate being in pictures. The thing is, I dunno how to pose. I like group pictures the best. Paling bangang pon two people in a pic. All I know is to just stand there like a wood and smile!! Say spaghetti.....

This pic looks like something that would come out from Gossip Girl or Dirty Sexy Money. Very interesting pic. With this interesting pic, my mind couldnt just sit still and just stare. I came up with my own story for it. Lets just let our imagination run wild shall we??

Its called Play With Fire, yes just like the song from the Stones. It revolves around the life a Puteh (Hazrin) a renown photographer. He looks innocent enough, but behind his amazing skills, lies a ruthless man. He uses his photos to blackmail people of society for money. He is Mr. Powerful. Married to Sara (Suhana) the mother of Hazrina (Shina). She doesnt do anything except taking care of the little girl. Has got no clue to her husband's not so innocent activities.

I am the ruthless sister who is constantly trying to see to the fall of Mr. Powerful coz I want to be the one in power. In the picture, I may look kind (pls do not vomit ok) but in the story Im not. So that means Im the villain. Mikael (Anas) is my playful son in the story. He bullies other children in school. Like me, he's not afraid of anything. Anas is my subplot in the story la. To make me look human.

Hisham (Adam) and Jamal (Kamil) are roommates in college. Hisham (Adam ) is the athlete and Jamal (Kamil) is the lonely computer boy. They are very different but they like the same girl. Little did they know that they are actually dating the same person. Nadhira (Sara) is Suhana's niece living with her. Always looking a way to attract attention thinking Sara (Suhana) doesnt love her as much as she loves Hazrina (Shina). So shes always plotting something against the little girl. Maya (Alisha) is the misunderstood girl. She meant well, but people always took her kindness differently thinking shes always causing trouble. Shes Nadhira's (Sara) schoolmate and Um (Arinah) sister. Her identity is a mystery thats why shes known as Um. Um (Arinah) is a playgirl. (Shall we say shes the girl both Hisham and Jamal are dating??) But beneath her naughty and wild exterior lies an intelligent girl who sets her mind to destroy Mr. Powerful because he destroyed her family.

Okay, macam biba tak?? Thats why the story is called Play With Fire!! Hebat!!! Everyone is on fire dude!! Trust no one!!

Ini adalah rekaan semata2. Sila jangan ambil hati. When you look at the pic, try to see beyond yourself and let your imagination run free. Feedbacks are welcome... :)) Shall I change the names?? Hahahah...


MrBanna said...

What the F is this?!?

arinah_albakri said...

but pls change my name!!!!!
y UM????????
im NOT um from umbridge ok!!!!!!!!
n fyi, u dun even look like a mother!!!!!!!
n me a playgirl????
that's a gud one!!!!!!
but dating hisham n jamal????
pls la suhani..
nama pun dah terbayang muka hisham n jamal..
ni nak date both of them???
n yes, i am an intelligent girl:)..
beware Mr. Powerful and family!!!!!!!!


arinah_albakri said...

btw, i tot it shud've been :

Hazrin - The raja yang zalim
Suhana - Innocent queen who pampers her little notty princess
Ashrina - Looks innocent but really notty and tak dengar cakap and if she dislikes anyone, he/she will be 'X'-ed!! wicked little not-so-innocent girl!!
Suhani - (ur own story)
*plus jadi mistress Hazrin ;)
Arinah - (ur own story)
Alisha - (ur own story)
Mysara - (ur own story)
Anas - The big gangster
Adam and Kamil - (ur own story)
*plus, they work for anas n pls drop the date-the-same-girl = ME

that's all!

wolfgirl said...

Hey thats a great idea Kak In. Im loving it. Unlike some people who is so not creative and unimaginative. You know who you are. Ok, I'll change some of their names and also theres a King and Queen. The King cannot have a mistress in me coz Im his sister. Im not the queen's sister. Brother sister playing with fire lagi best dari all these in laws business, dun you think??