Monday, March 8, 2010

Waterfall abseling in Gopeng

Objective: To abseil down a waterfall

We assembled at Gopeng toll at about 8.30am. Most of us were already there so at about 8.40am we made our way to the Gopeng town market area. We were ahead of schedule which was good I think. We had to leave our cars at Gopeng town, and board a different vehicle to get up to the waterfall area. And guess what?? Our limousine was actually a lorry. We were like cattle being transported to the kampung area of Gopeng. Some of us were in the lorry (balik kampung, ooo oooh oh balik kampung), some boarded a pick-up truck owned by one of the guys from gym. The road was small and bumpy. and it took us nearly 30 minutes to get up to the kampung area where the waterfall was.

Me and Eme making our way to the waterfall area. Sempat amek gambor lagi. Masa ni belum ada unsur2 takot lagi.

The abseil guys were late so we had to wait for them for quite some time. They only came nearly 11am. So we had a lot of time to dip in the cold water, eat, and basically just socialize. Some went up to check out the waterfall itself.

Okay, let tell you about my waterfall adventure. Looks easy but once you're up there, it was super scary. Cuba buat kalau tak percaya. It takes courage, strength and endurance. Seriously. Quite an experience. Hahaha...

Takot punyer takot, Hazrin went first before me. The brave brother in law. Phewitt...

And now the moment of truth. Guess what?? I fell and I havent even started with the abseil. The waterfall area was so slippery it was hard to move from one point to the other. We had to cross over to the other side of the river and the rocks were very slippery. Thats where I fell. Before I fell Michael fell. And this guy is a seasoned mountain climber. His was even more horrifying coz he fell from a higher point. Nasib dia ok. My problem was I couldnt climb up coz I kept on falling. (I cud hear Alicia Key's Fallin playing - if only its the right kind of falling) And the abseiling guy carried me up the rocks using my safety harness with Badlishah pulling me from up the rocks. Aduh, sakitnyer. And then, as if not enough trouble, my right foot toe decided to cramp!! Ouch ouch ouch... Nooooo... Great!! I said to the guide I couldnt walk so we rested for a while. Once Im alright, we hiked our way up the waterfall. And thats when I freaked out coz one of my friends, Serene were freakin out saying she couldnt go with it. She was screaming la wei. It was something I wouldnt want to witness just before my turn. Noooo... Patut kah aku panik??? Ya, ya memang patut. Orang tu kata theres no way out except to go tru the abseil. Orang tu tipu jer, she could always hiked down from the way she came up. Still very slippery la. At the end, they managed to convince her that one of the guides will abseil side by side with her. He may abseil beside her, but she still had to do all the work. Cuma she wouldnt be alone la. And she made it. We all cheered for her. Yay!!!

Fay and her little girl. Little Fay (dont know the girl's name) is like the little Jane of Tarzan. That girl is hyper active. Running here and there bare footed.

While waiting at the top of the waterfall, I had a conversation with Fay (my aerobics instructor/organizer all these crazy adventure), was telling her how afraid I was with the slipperiness of the waterfall wall. On top of that, I worry my toe will cramp again. I guess its due to the coldness. Just like what happened in NZ with Nana. Fay recommended me going down like Serene with the guide next beside. That way I would feel more confident. Also she told me what to do if my toe cramp again while abseiling. So I took her advise. She was after all experienced in all things extreme.

So I let her take my turn and this is Fay tengah abseil, very steady I think. Only saw her kat atas, while I was waiting for my turn. I believe she did pretty well, and she didnt fall kat atas like so many people did.

I was the last to go coz I actually requested for one of them to go side by side with me jugak. If I didnt fall of the rocks and if my toe behaved well, I would have done it without the guide beside me too. It was extremely slippery, no joke. And I was afraid my legs couldnt hold the slipperiness. At the end of it, I made it too. Of coz I fell a couple of times up there, but I wasnt the only one who fell. Ramai jatuh at the edge of the waterfall, also in the middle. Super slippery.. Many were struggling. But we all made it down. The only drawback was the condition of the waterfall wall. Hard to balance with the slime on the rocks and wall. It was quite an experience and I had fun.

This is the part I fell. And hit my knee cap. Sakit nyer!!

Would I do it again?? Perhaps, but not waterfall abseil. Maybe if I could find a good shoe to help me from falling. Sakit ok. But I would consider abseil "kering" like the one Fay did the first time. And if shes the one organizing it. The challenges with waterfall would be; the strong current, the water freezing, and the wall is slippery. Hard to find and balance your footing. Of coz one guy did pretty well, and this nyonya was awesome!! And she claimed it was her first time. Talk about beginner's luck.

Me and Serene....

Mission accomplished!!! Yay!!!


Mr Banna said...

Big deal!!!

nana said...


acu na kata think twice... but acu di said... acu di wants to do it....
so acu di has to tahan the cramp and sakit knee cap kay acu di.... huhuhuhu

lain kali kita buat lagi

baby milo

wolfgirl said...

Tu le pasal. Ingat kan terer, sebenor nyer idak!!! Huhuhu... Next time kite buat sesama ye baby milo...