Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vietnam - Part 3

We started our second day in Vietnam to Cu Chi Tunnels. Masa mula2 tour guide tu sebut Cu Chi, I thought he was talking about Gucci. Pagi2 buta da citer pasal sejarah.

Ni dalam bas - Saadiah and Kak Faridah. The journey was like a trip to nowhere. Punyer la jauh, dekat satu jam setengah nak sampai.

Masa tour guide tu tengah explain the history behind the Cu Chi Tunnels ni punyer la buhsan. So I am unable to share the info with all. I wasnt concentrating. All I know masa perang ngan Americans they build the tunnels. Tunnels tu la macam tempat mereka berlindung or smthing like that. The next thing we did was to see the tunnels.

They needed 2 volunteers, a girl and a boy to go into the tunnels. The catch was they needed 2 people of a certain size coz the tunnels were small. So my Suhana actually pushing me to go. She said this would be great to take pictures. So without knowing anything, I went la. Little did I know the tunnel was quite deep. My legs were too short; once Im down there, it would be hard for me to pull myself up coz my arms were not strong enough to support my weight to pull myself up. I was contemplating but it was too late coz I was already halfway down. So I just sat there. Smua orang suruh turun not understanding my situation. Camner nak kuar nanti. Masa tu panik la gak. Akhirnyer masuk la jugak.

Tak sabar2 orang tu nak tutup I dalam lobang tu. Cuba bawak bertenang. Da le gelap bawah tu. Rasanyer kalo Saadiah atau Nurul masuk senang skit coz they got longer legs. Kak Faridah would have a problem like me coz it would be too deep for her too.

Padan muka, last2 one of the tour guides had to pull me out coz I couldnt pull myself. Padan muka kena tarik ketiak I yang berpeluh tu. Ewww...

Nanti kite sambung lagi...

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