Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vietnam - Part 1

I had a great time in Vietnam. Not that you care, but I just wanna share a few pictures. I went with Nana's Petronita and Petrojantan friends. This was also my first oversea trip with the new brother in law Hazrin and Ima. Ni gegambor masa kat airport. The start of our shopping adventure. Woohooo... Konon2 nak jadik light traveller la. So I brought a small bag to Vietnam. I dun really have the intention to shop, shop. And I was dead wrong. Belum sampai 9 bulan, beg tu da beranak. But that is a different story.

Me and Ima talking about only God knows what. See, that black bag with yellow strip on the trolley, thats the only bag I brought.

Dalam pada sibuk2 tu, ada masa lagi nak baca paper. Ini maknanyer we are all a bunch of intellectual people. Yes, thats right.

UTPians lining up. Well, not all, but most of them la.

Kat airport Vietnam, cant remember the name of the airport. Nana was being a gossip girl, telling me about the gigi jongang bos or something like that. Her story was hilarious.

If you ask me, I would say Vietnam is a very messy country. Tak terurus. But they are still developing. So tak kisah la. I was quite surprised coz it wasnt as I expected. Im glad to say it was better than I expected.

The biggest challenge in Vietnam would be crossing the roads. Seksanyer!!! Super scary!! Macam hampeh jer. When they see you crossing the road, masa tu la they decide to go faster. Honking2 people like they own the roads. Ish... Tampo kang!! I dun think they understand the functions of traffic lights. Sia2 jer pasang traffic lights.

Anyway, will upload more pics later... More interesting pics...

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