Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vietnam - Part 6

4 days and 3 nights. Its time to say goodbye to Vietnam.

Things that I learn (in general):
  • They accept 3 different currencies (USD, RM, VND)
  • Ho Chi Minh city is very messy - no strategic planning
  • Vietnamese are not friendly
  • They somehow enjoy picking their noses - almost like a hobby (Yes, disgusting)
  • No manners on the road - they love to honk honk on the road (Yes, its annoying)
  • Vietnamese are small. So far, I havent bumped into a big sized Vietnamese
  • Food sucks big time
  • You can commit suicide - by crossing the roads... Super crazy I tell you!!
  • Some amazing collection of handbags
  • Theres like almost two sides of Vietnam; the modern Vietnam and the sad Vietnam
Will I come back?? Perhaps!! Just to shop. Or maybe to see other parts of Vietnam that I heard are way beautiful that Ho Chi Minh City.

Goodbye Vietnam!!! I had a fabulous time!!!

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