Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vietnam - Part 5

Ben Thant Market here we come!!! Sangat la besar dan banyak benda ada kat situ. Makanan, minuman, pakaian, beg, kasut, kain. The catch is, you've got to bargain. If you dun, then you akan rugi coz they will cekik you!! So before they do that to you, you cekik them by slashing the prices. Problem was, dalam ramai2 yang jenjalan sesama tu, (me, Nana, Hazrin, Ima & Kak Faridah) Nana sorang jer yang terer bargain. Smua mengharapkan Nana jer. Camner tu?? So lembab la smua orang.

Tengok tu, Cheryl Samad (Tv personality) pun shopping gak kat Ben Thant ker?? I must say, yang paling best pasal Ben Thant ni ialah handbags!!! Banyak nyer yang lawa, tak terbeli. You just dunno what to grab coz if possible you would wanna grab everything. Giler!! Siap berebut2 lagi. Ada handbag yang lawa ni colour brown, tapi tak dapat sebab da habis. Maybe I should steal from Kak Faridah. Hmmm.... Its interesting to see Nana bargaining coz she can be aggressive with those Vietnamese.

"Your boss is not friendly"
"You make me sad"
"You happy, I happy" common phrase to use when bargaining.

Pastu, kiss kiss plak. Fuiyoh... Caya la Nana... Mmuacks... I have never shopped so many handbags in my entire life. Ini baru first round. We actually skipped the Mekong River to shop at Ben Thant for the whole day. Second trip was after lunch at VN. Halal just a few feet away from Ben Thant. Before that, we went back to the hotel to leave all our stuff. Pastu gerak balik ker Ben Thant Market.

Brother in law pun sibuk membeli baju. Murah ker tu?? Ntah ler, hanya Nana yang tahu!! I did my very best to look for Ben10 t-shirt untuk Anas. Got a few, but he will look like a ripe nangka if I buy. So finally I managed to find the biggest size and am hopeful that he could fit in them. Even for a few weeks pun ok la. Terkuar smua ayor ketiak shopping kat sana. Panas betol.

Malam tu makan kat the same Malay Restaurant we went on the first day. The food sucked. We met Cheryl Samad again shooting for one tv show. Ntah aper ke namanyer. Cian Cheryl, mesti penat asyik senyum jer. Hahaha...

Yang paling maleh nak buat ialah untuk pack bag yang susah tentu akan beranak!!! Sok smua balik!!!

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