Monday, March 1, 2010

Birthday?? Not a fan!!

What I love about birthdays...

  • Presents - yeeehaaaaa!!! - the more the better. But the wiser you are, the lesser the gifts.
  • Having family and friends calling and wishing you - I so love it when the little ones start calling and singing. I managed to persuade my Anas and Baby Sayang to sing for me. Kak In and Adam memang nyanyi.
  • Family dinner or get together

What I dun like about birthdays...

  • Age factor - I dun like being reminded of my age. Can we ignore the number and just get straight to the wishing part?? Plus, my age stopped at 25. Hehehe...
  • The singing - I like it when the little kiddies sing for me, but not in a party style. Mari menyanyi beramai-ramai. Macam perhimpunan kat skolah dulu. Yucks... Tak hebat la camtu.
  • Going for a formal dinner party. I hate playing dress up for this kind of gatherings.

Presents so far:

Babah - blum lagi
Mak - da kasi
Bang Sham - blum lagi, tapi ader unsur2 tak kasi, i'll wait just in case
Kakak - blum lagi, macam ader unsur2 tak kasi gak, but im optimistic
Nana - akan kasi, hopefully secepat mungkin
Kak Ju - da kasi
Kak In - blanja movie ye... hehehe...
Thavanes - blum lagi, she wud usually get me something. hehehe...

I also bought something for myself!! Yes, I bought a tote bag!! Happy Birthday Didi. Phewitt... I shopped like a mad person the other day. So now budget da lari. What is a girl to do???

So, akhir kata, Suhani would like to wish Suhana a happy happy birthday. Remember, you are an amazing person. Truly kind, wonderful and warm. Errr... Did I just described myself?? Yes I did. Eh, malu la plak. Alamak. Ok lagi skali. Suhana, you are truly funny, smart and cool. Hmmm... Thats me again. Cuba lagi yek... You are truly sexy, gorgeous and beautiful inside out. Ah... Finally a better description of myself. Susah jugak nak describe Suhana. Ok ni last...

Suhana, you are truly the best in the world!!! Yay!!! Happy Birthday Babymilo...

Akhir kata, kepada sesiapa blum lagi membeli present, sila ke kedai dan jangan kedekut!!!


Mr Banna said...

Ish pompuan ni!!! Why shud I bother getting you something? You've got all the "material" things that you need anyway?

arinah_albakri said...

comment babah best!
ouch, suhani!
btw, sure, movies 4 u..

Anonymous said...

Dear Suhani,

Thank you so much for the birthday wish... hehehe memang tepat description you ek...

sorry lambat coz baru boleh baca your blog... as for your bday gift... jom beli esok and then we go and catch alice in wonderland.. nak tak?

awat tak letak gambar celebrate kat vietnam.... :)

see you soon king kong...

Baby Milo

wolfgirl said...

Hehehe... Okay can!!! Kite tengok Alice in WOnderland pastu bole shopping birthday prez!!! Woohoo...