Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vietnam - Part 4

We were walking at the Big Market (a place where you can buy things in bulk) and were looking at some stuff. But we always got the same response."No buy, no buy" Ek eleh, smua nyer no buy aper yang can buy?? Baru lima minit jenjalan, ada pompuan Vietnam giler ni main langgar2 pulak. Soon after that this guy gelek my kaki ngan macam trolley. Ish ish ish... Aper ni?? Pastu we were looking at some hats. Pretty cool actually. Had Nana to try them on.

Tengah try satu ni (the knitting kind) ada orang giler Vietnam ni langgar my kepala. Da ler dia langgar ngan benbarang yang dia angkat, tak rheti la nak kata sorry. Kepala I pun berpusing macam nak tercabot!!! Macam hampeh jer. Tampo kang!! So did not manage to get Nana's picture wearing that hat coz we were busy laughing at what just happened.

Seronoknyer Nana!!! Last2 tak jadik le beli apa2 pun. Im still waiting for Ben Thant Market. Thats the highlight of the whole shopping trip.

I think we went to the Night Market almost every day!! Malam tu pi carik selipar terompah plak. They were so bloody the cute!!

Pompuan baju puteh tengah ketok2 selipar terompah ni sangat sombong. I just dun understand why they have to be sombong. Da la tu, duduk terkangkang2. Do we want to see your chipempom?? No, thank you!!! Simpan jer ler. Yek!!!

Cian opah Ima ni. Da la kaki disable, mintak sedekah kat Ima. Using sign language Ima tried to tell her she (Ima) got no money. I wonder if she was really diabled coz when a motocycle honked at her she could move faster than a disable old lady would. Miracle wasnt it?? Hmm...

The highlight of the night was the ice cream!!! I was glad we did that!!! Yay!! I must confess, the ice cream wasnt what I was hoping. Kinda milky!! Yucks!!! Tapi da order kena ah makan. Kang rugi ah.

Owh... sebelum terlupa, kebanyakkan gegambor adalah hakmilik our Mr. Photophrapher, Mohd Hazrin Ismail... Gambar seperti di bawah!!! Phewittt....

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